too tired.

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                                                     (Justin is tired after coming back from tour)

-I know, baby. Just a few more minutes, huh? -Allison whispered as I whined, laying my head on her right shoulder.

I just got back from my South America leg of the tour and now I have a three week break. Usually, I sleep during plane rides, but this time I just couldn't relax. We had flown in from Argentina and I was beyond exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open, and the temptation to fall asleep was unbearable. I missed Hails so much, and I couldn't wait to lay down and cuddle with her while getting a hair massage.

-Bye, buddy. Get some proper rest, huh? -Scooter said as I felt the car finally turn into my driveway.

-I missed my baby boy so much! -Hailey said as I went thru the front door, embracing myself in her long arms. I laid my head on her shoulder and inhaled her sweet sent.

-Hails! -I whined, squeezing her into my body, already wanting to fall asleep, even standing there. Her embrace was more than enough.

-Someone's sleepy, huh? -she giggled, pecking my cheek- But, go upstairs and get changed. Kendall is here, and we're swimming.

-I just wanna sleep. Send her away- I whined, noticing just now that she was wearing a black underwire bikini top.

-Send me away, huh? -I heard Kendall laugh, but I couldn't see her as I kept my head tucked on Hailey's shoulder.

-He's sleepy- my wife giggled- You gotta stick around until at least 9 pm, mister. So go get changed, Ken and I will be waiting by the pool.

Reluctantly I climbed the stairs to our bedroom. I changed into my swimsuit and went to join the girls outside. They were lying on some towels talking about the new Alexander Wang sunglasses collection. I laid next to Hailey, and yawned, rolling on my stomach.

-How was tour, Justin? -Kendall asked, and I got sleepier as Hailey ran her hand thru my hair.

-Fun, but so exhausting. I'm so jet legged- I whined, rubbing my eyes.

-If you sleep now, you'll wake up like 2 am, Jay.

-Sleeping is the worst thing you can do- Kendall complemented- It's already 5:32 pm, 4 more hours.

-Can I sleep for 10 minutes? -I talked in a baby voice, hoping Hailey would feel sorry for me.

-No no, mister- she giggled, kissing my forehead.

Hailey's POV

I giggled at Justin's face as he almost feel asleep on the dining table, still chewing some pasta. After putting my plane on the sink, I kissed his cheek as his eyes dropped again.

-I don't wanna eat anymore -he whined, pushing his plate away that was still full.

-A few more bites, Jay.

-No! -he whined again, rubbing his tired eyes as he laid his head on the table.

-You've barely eaten anything.

-Bed time, Hails- he frowned in a baby voice.

-Okay, let's go- I laughed, giving up as I took his hand and pulled him upstairs.

As soon as we entered our room, he threw himself onto the bed, making me giggle. His hair was still a bit wet from the shower and it was getting cold that night.

-C'mon, Jay. You gotta change.

-No, too tired- he mumbled, I could tell he was already drifting off to sleep. I walked over to where he was laying and soon moved up and unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down his legs, replacing it with some sweatpants. I took his watch off his wrist and covered him with the comforter.

I quickly changed into some long sleeved pjs and collapsed in bed next to him. He moved closer and laid on top of me, warms securely around my body and head on my chest. He let a content sigh as I started to rub his head, feeling some heat coming out of him.

-I think you're running a slight fever, baby- I said, placing my hand on his forehead.

-Not sick, just tired- he whispered, half asleep.

-Can I check? - I asked, reaching for the thermometer that I always kept on the nightstand.

He just nodded. I rubbed his cheeks as I held the thermometer in his mouth. Five minutes later, it beeped.

-Shh, I'm trying to sleep- Justin said asleep, to the thermometer, making me laugh. I checked and noticed that his temperature was normal, finally falling asleep with my sleepy bear in my arms.

When I'm with my baby, yeah.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt