Chapter 7

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"Angel, azazel, Emma, banshee, mutant brothers and sisters all dead" Erik said and was making the plane go out of control and everything was malfunctioning

"Countless others, experimented on, butchered" Erik continued

"Erik" hank shouted as we were going down and Charles was falling everywhere, whereas Logan was gripping the table for dear life snd me and Erik where the only ones standing properly

"Where were you Charles? we were supposed to protect them, where were you when your own people needed you, you and hank. Lydia was caring for you and your children. Pretending to be something your not" he said and I stood up in front of him and he looked at me

"Erik, level this bloody plane right now, my kids that I gave birth to are not dying at the age of 6 we are not doing this now. Please Erik" I said snd he started to sort out the plane and I closed my eyes

"Thank you" I said and he nodded but Charles didn't say anything he just walked to the cockpit and tommy walked straight back to me but Amelia stayed with Charles and sat with him

"I'm mad at daddy" tommy said a while after and I looked at him and stroked a part of his hair while I looked at Charles and Erik playing chess like they used to

"He's apologised to me and Amelia for his behaviour but he hasn't apologised to you, why?" He asked and I looked at him

"I'm used to that now tommy, don't get annoyed with him over it" I said snd eh looked at me

"But you don't deserve that mummy, you deserve a much better person like the old daddy, I don't know who this he one is" tommy said and Charles looked at me, hearing every word but I just looked at tommy who was now stood up

"Tommy listen to me, I love your father very much and everyone can make mistakes sometimes and they don't apologise for it but you learn to forgive them anyway because you love them and you'll understand that one day, I promise" I said snd then got him int the sofa and tucked him in for bed and placed a small kiss on his head and he fell asleep instantly and I turned to Charles and Erik

"Don't you pair even think to try and argue like that again while children are on board, you can put my life in danger as much as you want but I waited a long time for those children so you dare do anything to make me loose them and I will kill you both myself, even with my no killing policy on myself you hear me?" I lectured them and they both nodded

"Good, make sure to also get some sleep we've got a big day tommorow" I said and wen to walk into the back near Logan so that I could try and sleep peacefully but Charles grabbed my hand and then looked at Erik

"Goodnight Erik" Charles said to him and Erik nodded at him and me and Charles walked into the back of the plane where Charles sat down and then I sat on his lap and he cradles me against him and I look at him

"What's going on with you?" I asked him curiously and he just looked down at me and smiled sadly

"Tommy made me realise something then" he said and I looked at him for him to continue and he sighed deeply

"He made me realise how much I'm actually ignoring you and not paying attention to your feelings and then I realised how bad I must be hurting you because I'm hurting too" He said and I looked at him

"I'm sorry love I am truly and deeply sorry for my actions and intend to clear them up" he said and I smiled at him and tilted his face more towards me

"There's my Charles That I've been hoping is still there" I said and smiled snd he kissed me deeply and passionately and I kissed him back and then we leaned our foreheads against each other and he pulled me close and I slowly fell asleep feeling so happy that I got my Charles back once and for all but little did I know that Charles had been fighting with himself for a long time and just never talked to em anymore before he would say something that he could regret very quickly and Logan knew this more than anyone as future Charles had told him before when telling him the story when they were sadly parted for that time at the beginning of the war.

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