Chapter 2

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I stared at the boys in awe as I took in their features. Every one of them defined and frankly they were the most God like boys I had come across. I saw Kerrie staring at the tall, slim boy in the nirvana shirt in wonder, well someone's got a crush. We really need to get ourselves together.

"I'm Nathan!"

"Hey, I'm Ben."


"Im Matthew, but you can call me Matt;)"

They all introduced themselves one by one, and I figured that the tall one that Kerrie was staring at is called Ben. God their voices are amazing. The raspy tone makes me want to pounce at them, but I have a feeling they wouldn't like that. My eyes averted themselves back to Scott. I took in his every feature, his every facial expression. I looked at him in wonder and kept thinking about things that shouldn't have been crossed my mind. I just wanna gr...

"Looks like you got an admirer there, ay Scott!" Nathan said cockily.

I blushed madly at what he said, but thought of no sassy comeback to give him. My thoughts were interrupted when Scott spoke.

"I don't mind, Nath. Who would when she looks like that."

My heart began to race. Did he just imply that I was good looking? Stop Darcy. Stop thinking like that. He's probably so much older than you... Wait, I never asked their age!

"How old are you guys?" I asked whilst trying to calm down my red face.

"We're all 17," Scott replied, God his lips are so perfect, "what about you guys?"

"We're 15." I spoke finally, after getting out of my trance.

"Oh damn Scott, she's not legal yet!" Karim yelled.

I looked at Karim wide eyed and by the look on Scott's face, he obviously wasn't expecting that either. Scott's cheeks began to turn pink.. Wait, is he blushing?!?

"Little Scotty is bwushing!" Ben cooed whilst squeezing Scott's cheeks.

If looks could kill, I would not want to be Ben right now. Me, Kerrie and the rest of the boys howled with laughter after Scott kicked Karim in the balls. Obviously he wasn't in the mood today. I kept seeing Ben sneak glances at Kerrie out of the corner of my eye and I knew they were going to have something. Now I think, they'd make a cute couple. Ben seemed like he had a good sense of humour, and Kerrie is mad, so they'd be fine!

"Say, there's no point in standing here all day." Matt spoke.

"True dat, you girls want to join us on the best day ever?" Nathan asked.

Me and Kerrie looked at eachother, "Let's do it!"

The day went by so fast! We went into the haunted house, in which I shit myself about 5 times and I saw Kerrie and Ben grab eachothers hand at one point. We also went on the cake tin, again. Wasn't the best ending considering Nathan threw up and Matt knocked this girl over whilst running to get off the ride. It neared on 3pm and we had all sat down on the seats when someone came along.

"Boys, you're on in 10." The lady spoke.

Wait, where are they on? I looked at Kerrie and she just shrugged. I looked to the over boys with a questioning look and Matt started to explain.

"Basically, we're here to perform the gig and that was our manager."

I stared at them in disbelief. I know they told me they were a band, I didn't realise they meant they had a manager!

"So, you're like, famous?" Kerrie asked, speaking my thoughts.

The boys burst into fits of laughter whilst me and Kerrie looked at each other confused.

"N,no," Karim replied, regaining himself.

"Nowhere near that," Ben carried on, " we just like to sing a little."

"Anyways, we better be off. We'll see you two after the gig?" Scott asked whilst looking directly into my eyes.

"Sure! See you guys, good luck." I smiled at them whilst replying.

They walked away and I turned to Kerrie, until I felt a tap on my back. I turned around and a pair of lips kissed my cheek. I was about to slap the little dick, until I realised it was Scott.

"Thanks, love." He spoke, and winked before he turned around and carried on to the stage.

Don't forget me, love.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora