Chapter 1

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"Darcy! Kerrie's here to pick you up!" My mum shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Alright mum, give me a second," I replied.

It was 11am and if I'm honest, I only woke up half an hour ago. Today was the day of the sultan summer show. It happened every year; there would be fair rides and monster trucks and new pop bands. Of course I agreed to go with my friend when she asked me, it's a day out!

After I had got dressed in my navy top shop jeans and my turquoise flowered crop top, I ran downstairs to Kerrie.

"Well that only took you a FRICKIN HOUR!" She shouted.

"Better to arrive a little late, than a little ugly."

She huffed at me as I slammed the front door to my house. Me and Kerrie had been best friends for ages and we were more like sisters. We did everything together; gymnastics, school, ice skating and shopping. We're basically inseparable. We were soon in Kerrie's mums car and on our way to the fair.

The sun was beating down as I stepped out the car with Kerrie and headed towards the ticket booth. The security guards always annoy me at these events. I mean, I'm a frickin 15 year old girl, do you really think there is any need to check my bag for any type of bomb? We collected our tickets and moved along to the rides. They always had the same, but my favourite ride was always the cake tin. This was basically a ride where you get strapped on with a strap around your waist and then the wheel rises and starts spinning you upside down.

"LETS GO KERRIE!" I screamed dragging my best friend along.

"Darcy let go! I really don't want to do this." She cried back, digging her heels into the grass.

Kerrie had always been afraid of these rides. I just wanted her to experience it for herself.

"Just once Kerrie, please? You'll be fine. Just trust me." I cooed, trying to make her feel better. And hey, it worked just fine!

After we emerged from the cake tin, I was on top of the world. But Kerrie? Not too much. Her face was borderline green and she was shaking like a leaf. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under right now. If she were able to speak i'm pretty sure she would have cussed me out by now, however she wasn't able to find a word to say without vomiting. Now I think about it, this was probably easier for me. After Kerrie regained her speech, and managed to just about call me every name under the sun, she finally shut up and just glared at me.

After we grabbed a burger and soda to drink, I reached into my pocket to get my phone and Check Twitter. Wait, crap. It's not there.

"KERRIE I'VE LOST MY PHONE!" I screamed, beginning to hyperventilate.

My mum is gonna kill me, this is not good.

"Calm down, Darc. We'll find it." Kerrie replied cooly.

After searching for a hell of a long time, and pretty much searching the whole god damn field, we decided it would be best to just sit down and catch our breath for a second. I was still oblivious to everything as I was in a panic about my phone, that was until I felt someone prod my back and practically shit myself. Of course, I did what anyone else would. I kicked them directly in the privates.

"Arghh..." A deep voice groaned from behind me. Well I'm guessing I just kicked his balls, oh crap.

"CHRIST I'VE HAD ENOUGH TODAY! Go take a hike man because I'm sick of every..." I trailed off once I saw his face; defined jaw bones, sparkling hazel eyes, plump lips. Holy shit. What did I just do.

"I'm s,sorry I didn't m,mean to. Are you okay?!" I cried. Damn what did I just do? He looked up from where he had crouched over after I had kicked him.

"It's okay love, don't worry. Doesn't hurt that much, anyway,"he croaked, clearly trying to hide his pain. He rummaged through his pocket with his hand until his hand surfaced with an IPhone 5. Wait, that's my IPhone 5!

"I saw this picture of you both on the front, so I assumed it was one of your phones and I couldn't let you worry about loosing this, so we thought we'd come and find you."

Sure enough, on the lock screen, there was my favourite picture of me and Kerrie whilst we were at the beach in Turkey last summer.

"Thankyou so much! I'm Darcy," I said, introducing myself, "and this is Kerrie, my best friend."

"I'm Scott, and this is the rest of my band, Concept."

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