Ch. 13 - More Fairys?

Start from the beginning

Romeo: "Don't worry Wendy. We'll get our family back! We're Fairy Tail after all!" He said brightening the mood and doing the Fairy Tail sing with his hand while standing up proudly

Wendy: "Yeah," She said doing the same thing

The other Fairys did the same thing

Fairy Tail (no, not the whole guild): "Yeah!"


Diane: "Hey are  your injuries bothering you King?"

King: "hmhm, not really, I mean maybe a little," he said smiling softly at her

Ban: "Don't make a big deal over some scratches all-right?" He said hitting King and his shoulder, also hitting the corner of his very big wound

King then screamed and some rocks fell down from a purple sphere. Elizabeth then ran over

Elizabeth: "Griamore!"

***After the whole thing with Griamore and saying goodbye to him***

Right at the end Diane's Mother Earth Catastrophe, Sir Helbram let Guila and Jericho fall to the ground from under his cape and stood up against the giant rock weakly

Sir Helbram: "A moment later aId i would've been in big trouble back there. Still, I have my spoils, so I'll consider that my victory" He said plucking the broken blade from Meli's sword and taking out the Goddess amber

He then looked at the green handle of a once broken blade

Sir Helbram: "One of the keys to resurrecting the Demon Clan. A Fragment of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness."

He then looked at the Goddess amber

Sir Helbram: "And 2 powerful Evil beings. What a catch."


Elizabeth: "Thanks for everything Hawk's Mom! Why don't you rest to a bit, Diane?" She said looking at Hawk's Mom from which she was standing on, and then Diane

Diane: "Sure, I'll just grab a little shut eye till the Taverns opens then!"

She then fastly sat down laid her hammer beside her and then laid down herself

Diane: "Goodnight guys!"

Wendy: "Have a good sleep, Miss Diane"

Diane: "Sure!" She then fell asleep


Meli: "Alright! Why don't we get ready to open up? Us guys will handle the meat. Now Wendy, Elizabeth, Juvia, Levy and Erza, go down to the Village and spread the word. And could you also buy some herb while you're out there?"

Elizabeth: "Sure!"

Romeo then spoke up

Romeo: "Can I please go with the girls? I'm not that comfortable with killing animals myself" he said nervously

Meli: "Sure."

Erza: "Then I'll go with the guys. I'll make sure that you two morons don't start a fight that could get us noticed."

Meli: "That might be a good idea. And then it won't look weird that a woman in armor that's representing a knight is walking around in the village and getting attention. Hawk, Carla, and Happy, you guys should go with the Girls and Romeo too"

Hawk: "Sure." 

Happy: "Aye Sir!"

Carla just kept quiet but nodded


Elizabeth: "We'll be going now"

Wendy: "Bye!"

Romeo: "See ya when we get back!"

Juvia: "Juvia'll miss you Gray-sama!"

Gray: "Yeah yeah,"

Levy: "Gejeel, don't get hurt! Lily, take care of yourself and him!"

Gajeel: "Shut up Squirt!"

Lily: "Yes Ma'am!"

The girls, Romeo, Happy and Hawk then went to the village and out of sight. Meli tuned to Gray and Gajeel

Meli: "You two got yourself some fine Women there"

Gray & Gajeel: "Shut up!" they said with a little pink dusting their cheeks

Meli: "Fine, fine. But you didn't deny it. Now let's go. Let's see who can catch the best meat!"

Other Guys: "Heck yeah!"

Erza: "Then I will be the Judge."

***Meanwhile, with Hendrickson who is in the cave with the big red Demon***

Hendrickson: "Now, let's see what Evil is inside this amber," He said holding the amber in front of his face


Heya Guys! I hope that you liked this chapter too!

Question: Did you guess that it was gonna be Levy, Gajeel, Lily, Jellal, and Romeo to fall from the sky?

See Ya Next Chappie!

Demons (Fairy Tail X Seven Deadly Sins Crossover)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now