"Finished?" Mrs Cooper said standing up and taking the plate from Archie before he could even finish what was in his mouth. He nodded slowly, and watched as the plates were cleared.

"I'm so glad you invited me over Betty, I really wanna talk, and sort this distance out" Archie smiled, that all American smile, and it repulsed her how hard he was trying to turn on the charm, and it was too little too late. It sickened her that he never tried this before, and it disgusted her that he hadn't even bothered to mask the smell of cigarettes, or even change his pants.

"I wanted to talk as we'll Arch, but I think we should put more distance in between us" Betty said quietly, busying herself with the forks left on the table.

"What do you mean? Because I missed prom?" Archie said confused.

"Except you didn't did you? You were there all over Josie" Betty furrowed her eyebrows, failing to see his logic behind his confusion.

"And you were there with Jughead!" Archie slumped in his chair like an incoherent child.

"Only because you were two hours late for picking me up!" Betty sighed.

"Babe- come on your not going to let that little weirdo get between us are you?" Archie slammed his drink down.

"He already is isn't he? What did he tell you? The "I've always loved you" bullshit, come on Betty, even your smart enough to not fall for that! You know who he is, the gang leader, the serpents, he's using you!" Archie spat.

"Like the way your using me? And have been using me for years? Here's the thing Archie, you have been using me, and I've had no fun what so ever, so if Jughead is using me, let me tell you, it's the most fun I've had in years" Betty smirked teasingly, batting her eye lids as her mother walked back into the room.

"Dessert?" Alice smirked at Archie.

"None for him, he was just leaving anyway" Betty said standing up and leaving the table. "He knows his own way out."

She stuck out like a sore thumb, and she was lucky it was Toni Topaz as her first encounter, anyone else she would of been eaten alive.

"My friend works here? I was wondering if i can speak him please?" Betty shouted into Toni's ear over the bar, the music was ear numbing. She noticed Toni smelt like apples and smoke, and her hair was pink, her ears were full of jewellery and she had an aura around her that was just inviting and friendly.

"What?" Toni furrowed her eyebrows at Betty pulling her by her arm and around the side of the bar. Betty had never been on this side of the bar, and she noticed knives, chips, and other various things underneath it.

"My friend works here, and he wasn't at home so I figured he was here?" Betty shouted into Toni's ear.

"Who's your friend?" Toni shouted serving drinks whilst taking money, and without even looking she knew what exact change to distribute.

"Jughead Jones? Is he around?" Betty asked trailing behind her as she held a serving plate full of scotch and liquor high over her head through a crowd of people.

"What do you want with Jughead?" Toni asked guiding her through the crowd with her hand on the small of her back, pushing her towards the open gateway of the bar.

"I need to talk to him" Betty said again now frustrated.

"Look the boss is up to his ears in restraining orders, not to mention that ginger northsider running around crying about his girlfriend and wrecking the place" Toni rolled her eyes.

"This is all my fault! I told Archie to leave Jughead out of this" Betty said more to herself than to any one else.

"Shit, are you betty?" Toni asked and Betty nodded slowly.

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