That Night

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Betty woke up to the early morning sun pouring through the crack in the curtains. It stung her eyes and she squinted, forgetting her surroundings, but was soon at peace when she realised she wasn't home. She was away from all the drama for now, and she still had a good few hours before anybody would notice she was gone. After scrolling through her phone she couldn't anymore, her mind was racing, the picture set as her lock screen of her and Archie had distracted her from her tranquility.

"I see that sofa bed didn't do you any favours you look a mess!" Jughead laughed walking into the living area of the trailer and pulling his beanie over his head.

"Aren't you going to comb your hair before you hide under that rag?" Betty firer back, squinting her eyes at him but a trace of a smile danced on her lips.

"Catty in the morning aren't you?" He smiled sitting down beside her and turning the tv on.

"I don't usually have someone annoying me the minute I wake up" she laughed.

"That's not true, your boyfriend is the biggest dick ever" he laughed and Betty was actually amused by it, letting out a little chuckle. He was distracted by something outside, and he frowned as he watched.

"Betts go hide" he whispered and she turned around, following his gaze to see Archie angrily striding across the trailer park towards his trailer.

She nodded as she made her way towards the back of the trailer, and Archie banged on the door repeatedly.

"What are you doing here archie?" Jughead sneered as he swung the door open.

"Where is she?" He shouted barging into his home and his eyes scouring the living room.

"Who?" Jughead played dumb.

"What are you talking about who? I saw you last night with her!" Archie spat.

"Dude, we saw you last night with josie McCoy, I wonder why she's went fucking AWOL, she is supposed to be your girlfriend" he shouted.

"Like it's any of your business" he screamed.

"Do you not ever stop to think that she has put up with your bull shit for years now and maybe she just wanted one night to be normal?" Jughead squinted his eyes his fist clenched as Archie walked towards the bedroom.

"I get it jones, your still in love with her, and I told you not to talk to her again" Archie said eyes scouring the bedroom and then abruptly turning to leave.

"Fuck You" Jughead screamed back as he listened to the front door slam and he slumped back on the bed.

The closet door slowly opened and a wide eyed Betty cooper sat amongst all of his clothes looked at him with a tear in her eye.

"Jug? What does he mean?" She whispered.

He threw his beanie to the ground and got up to walk away.

"No jughead, we're not kids any more I can handle it" she said slightly louder.

"We were kids, and Archie tormented me for years, there was this girl we both liked, well I have to admit I loved her and he always had the cooler stuff all I could offer was a shoulder to cry on you know what I mean" he said nervously.

"And there was this one night last year, where I plucked up the courage to go tell her how I felt after she had just broke up with her stupid boyfriend for the like millionth time, so I bought some flowers and some movies and waited on her back porch until she got back" he said, remembering it as if it were yesterday.

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