The Stand In Prom Date

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"You guys go, I'm sure Archie will be here soon?" Betty said waving Veronica and Reggie out of her house. She had already missed the photos, thanks to her absent date, and now she was missing the limo.

Of course there would be an excuse, helping his dad with something, got caught up lost track of time, whatever it was Betty was so sick of it. And she questioned whether she loved him, or the idea of him. A jock and a cheerleader, socially it's right, in Betty's heart, gut and head it was completely wrong. She couldn't believe he could do this to her, 9.30pm, and hour late for senior prom, like he was two hours late picking her up from her apprenticeship interview in New York last week. She was worried sick about him, she knew how NYC traffic could be, and a small town boy like him would for sure get lost, but by the time he found her, it was evident he was drunk and Betty had to drive herself home, put her useless boyfriend to bed, and explain to his dad that he's "just not feeling very well." But her mother had told her, since she was very young, Archie is her soul mate, at 21 they would marry and keep the Cooper name respectable. Everyone around them knew it was complete bull shit. But of course, anything for the reputation and her mothers sake.

She sat at the table as her mother cleared away dinner, and eyed the full plate that had been meant for Archie, if he cared enough to show up.
"I'm sure he's on his way" her mom said as she walked past her, giving her a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sure he is" Betty said fiddling with her dress.

She glanced at the clock. 9:45.

"Probably stuck in traffic" her mothers excuse was as she sat down beside her.

"In Riverdale?" Betty mumbled under her breath.

She twiddled her thumbs staring blankly at the clock, not really paying attention to the time, just wondering why the hell she didn't hitch a ride with Veronica and Reggie, she would of had more fun with Ron, and Reg. She would of danced the night away with her, forcing her to dance like nobody was watching, and she would laugh at silly arguments her and her newest beau would get into, and shortly after make up. Reggie's jokes were on a comedic level, and he would assure her how much of a dick his best friend is. He tells it how it is, because unlike Archie, he's learned from his mistakes and he loves Veronica, enough to make it work.

Maybe that's what was missing from Betty's and Archie's relationship, she thought, they had been together for so long, forced together, that they didn't really love each other. Not any more, at first it was great, the dates, the sex, the getting to know eachother, and she wished it still was. It was for her, but wasn't enough for him. That's why he was screwing at least 8/10 vixens, because he wasn't screwing her and Cheryl is a lesbian.

Lost in thought a tear rolled down her cheek, and she caught it just in time, concealed with a cough.

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth" her mother smiled sadly, knowingly, knowing the hurt her daughter was going through.

"It's okay, I don't really know what I thought was going to happen, he always does this" Betty said looking away, not wanting her mother to see her tears.

"You shouldn't have to feel that way" Alice cooper said grabbing her hand.

"What about the respectable Cooper name" Betty rolled her eyes.

"Listen, Elizabeth, you are a clever girl. In fact, you are the cleverest girl I know, you've got a smart, beautiful and independent head sitting on those shoulders, who ever you end up with I know, will respect you, and love you. Stop letting Archie hurt you for the sake of me" she said.


"No buts, anyway, I'm Alice Smith now, so respect the "Smith" name properly. Start doing whatever you like.... with in reason" she giggled nudging her daughters shoulder, so she let out the tiniest laugh, but the sentiment was there.

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