{1} - Dilemma

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******A/N: Curse this. I woke up this morning, went to school, blah. Then my stomach decided to commit suicide.

At least, that's what it felt like.

But now I can type up this chapter! ******

Chapter One

(*Louis PoV*)

"Said I'd never leave her, 'cause our hands fit like my t-shirt. Tounge tied over three words; cursed."

I listened carefully to Liam's voice as he sang his part of Over Again. We were singing onstage in LA; this was our biggest concert yet. I should feel happy, or accomplished. But nothing.

My emotions didn't match my actions at all.

I was usually happiest onstage; it was the only place where I could truly be me. But that was just it; I'm not me anymore. Not the same me I used to be. Not the me the fans think I am. The old me was gone.

The only thing I felt onstage now is nothing. It was all an act. My actions onstage were all an act. They had been since that day. If you'd see me in my natural actions, I'd be sitting down on the couch watching television, quietly. The old Lou would be yelling at TV characters, or cheering on a football team.

The old Lou would have never let himself get lonely.

But let's start from the beginning, eh?


"But Phil!" I pouted at our manager. I only wanted a trip to Canada. Why wouldn't he let me go? We were on vacation anyways, so it's not like it would hurt our career.

He looked at me sternly. "No, Louis. You will say here in London until the U.S. tour begins. That's final."

I was getting frustrated. So I sat down on the floor. "I'm not leaving until you say yes."

Phil threw his hands in the air in frustration. "Honestly, Louis! Stop acting like a child!!"

I pouted again, holding back a smile. "But I am I child!"

There was silence for a few moments. He stared at me. I stared right back.

"You will stop this." He put his palms flat on his desk and leaned in. "Or you will kiss your career goodbye."

Okay, that hit home. My eyes widened visibly.


He smirked at me, obviously winning the argument. "You heard me. If, within 2 months, your childish antics don't stop, you will be fired." And with that, he walked out the door.

This guy needs a girlfriend.

**Next Day**

I spent the next day just thinking. The boys had been avoiding me- Phil had probably told them some type of lie or something so that they would. Even Hazza was ignoring me!

I was sad that day. It was the first time I'd been sad in a long time.

And not only was I sad, I felt... lonely. It was a depressing feeling. I'd always had the boys or my sisters or someone around, and without them, I felt sort of empty inside.

To add to my depression, a letter came. To Mr. Louis Tomlinson himself.

These letter people are overrated.

But the real thing is what was in the letter. Management had sent it. I feared what was to come.

At the top of the paper, in bold letters, it said, 'Louis Tomlinson’s New Rules’.

My mouth dropped open. Seriously?

The paper went something like this;

“1.) He will obey management.” My thoughts? ‘Right.’

2.) He will not use sarcasm. ‘WTF?’

3.) He will not horseplay around.

It just went on, around 20 rules. It ranged from Underage Drinking to Food Fights.

It’s like these people don’t want me to be me anymore. And maybe they did.

The 21st rule really annoyed me.

21.) He will follow and obey all above rules.

I mean, this is total BS. I was born for this stuff, yet they’re telling me to stop.

But my career depended on this…

I can’t let the fans and my family down. I just couldn’t. They’d be devastated.

I hesitantly folded up the letter and stuck it in my pocket, grabbing my jacket and heading out the door…

**End Flashback**

“And live while we're young!"

Zayn’s voice boomed through the speakers, signaling the end of the concert. The 5 of us ran, waving, offstage. After proper showers, each of the boys went to bed.

I couldn’t find it in me to sleep, though.

So I went to the ‘living room’ (if that’s what you’d call it, considering it’s on a tour bus) and turned on the TV.

Some things about me hadn’t changed, though. I was still sarcastic, still had my outbursts. I just learned to keep it to myself over the past 5 months.

Flipping through the channels, I found one showing the first episode of the X-Factor US. I almost forgot it was on!

It was pretty normal, for the most part. Contestants sang, auditioned, whatnot. Occasionally one caught my eye, and there were a few people that hogged up more camera time than others. Not on purpose, it’s just that more of their auditions were shown than others.

Like this one curly-haired brunette who sung ‘Small Bump’ by Ed Sheeran. She had a beautiful high pitched voice, which got her 2 yesses, yet her inability to hold a note long enough scored her a no.

The real eye-catcher – and I’m sure that the judges thought so, too – was Contestant 30412, a black haired girl named Melanie Drake. She was wearing black ripped jeans and a black t-shirt, with no makeup whatsoever. She held an independent aura, and it seemed as if she was in no way trying to impress the judges. Yet her voice took my breath away.

She sung ‘You Belong with Me’ by Taylor Swift and got an immediate 3 yesses. It didn’t surprise me. Her voice was generally low – maybe what Harry’s would sound like if he was female – and reached both high and low notes. It seemed as if she’d never run out of breath.

Melanie had obviously had years of vocal lessons. There was no way that her voice was naturally that good.

For some reason, she reminded me of someone. Maybe someone close to me. I couldn’t put my finger on who, though.

The bumping of the tour bus lulled me to sleep, yet the girl was still on my mind. She stood out to me; there was something different about her. I didn’t know what, but just something…


******A/N: There it is! First chapter of Connections! I hope ya'll like it! Thank you for reading!******

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