{6} - Miscredited

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******A/N: OMG! Thank you all so much for the support! I have 300 reads and 24 votes, and it feels incredible! Thank you all again <3

The chapter Dedication to @ThatsLauren_ for giving me the amazing character Meredith. :D

Guys, I uploaded a new story! It’s called Not What I Expected :) Mind checking it out?******

(**Third Person**)

More than half of the original contestants were cut off and were slowly packing up, broken hearted, and leaving, one by one.

Five are called back onto the stage by name and give each other confused looks as they stand side by side.

“Melanie, Belle, Dalal, Sonny, and Irene, I presume?” Simon Cowell questions, though already knowing the answer. All five girls nod.

“We’ve been paying close attention to all five of you girls ever since your first audition. You were all amazing in your own ways, but each of you had a fault, however small it may be.” The girls share glances between each other, not knowing where this was heading.

“You guys just couldn’t do it alone, but one of our judges had this incredible idea. What if we did let you through to the Judge’s Houses,” Simon pauses. All of the girls tense at the last part, knowing there was a catch in it somewhere, though they all would do anything to get through. “But, instead of as soloists, we would send you through as a group act.”

The girls squeal and nod, all but two, Melanie and Sonny. They were smart enough to know what was going on. One Direction smile at all the girls as they link this to their own moment like this three years back.

Melanie decides to speak up. “You’re kidding, right?” Everyone went silent as they stare at the dark haired girl in shock. “One Direction, get up here,” she commands, and the boys follow her orders.

Melanie carefully sets each person by another. Irene by Liam, Dalal by Harry, Sonny by Louis, Belle by Niall, and she stands next to Zayn. Nobody gets her point, but Simon watches her intently as she does her work.

“You thought this was going to work? I have no problem being in a band,” she says darkly. “But if I am, I’m not going to be a copy of the world’s biggest boy band.” Everyone suddenly realizes the whole scheme of this and Sonny smiles down at Melanie since she doesn’t have the guts to say so herself.

“She’s right,” Irene speaks up. “We’ll be in a band, but we aren’t going to be some publicity stunt. I’m not going around dressing in plaid shirts.”

“And I’m definitely not wearing a blazer. Those things are itchy as hell!” Dalal adds, pulling her white vest closer to her.

The boys nod as well. “I don’t think it’s fair to them, or us. You either let them through, or you don’t.” Louis remarks. “And stripes are not Sonny’s thing. She’s too skinny and tall!” He adds to lighten the mood.

Simon was flustered. His plan had gotten out of hand, all because of the brat who had to speak her mind. Finally, he sighs and nods his head. “Fine. You can go on as an individual band. But you still take One Direction with you on your task.”

“Deal,” Melanie replies and sinks back behind the other girls, point made.

(**Melanie’s PoV**)

Everyone is sitting around the couches on the private jet that’s shipping us to my home in Dearborn. They’re all chatting while I’m sitting here, texting Meredith, my ‘bestie’.

‘hey bubz, im coming home :D’

‘Aww, what happened? Did you make it past boot camp? Did you lose? Tell me EVERYTHING!!!’

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