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******A/N: *squealness* ITS FINALLY BEGINNING!

I have said too much. Read on.******

Everyone is in a rush; today is our last day in Dearborn before heading to whichever judge's house we're assigned to. They're panicking to gather the few belongings they have as I sit with a bag of chips and watch television.

"Aren't you gonna pack some things up?" Niall asks me as he passes by me. I wave him off, focusing on the dramatic Turkish series. He shakes his head and leaves me alone.

"I can't find my favorite vest!" Dalal wails. Belle throws the silver vest at her and rolls her eyes as the curly-haired girl squeals and hugs her.

"Shh! She's- oh my gosh did she throw herself in the river? With her two kids?! What kind of a mother are you?!" I yell at the screen, enraged. How dare she!

"Calm down," I hear from behind me, and two hands start massaging my shoulders. I look up to see Louis.

"But she just fuc-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"It's not real," he laughs, shaking his head.

I cross my arms and glare at him, opening my mouth to respond. "MELANIEEEE! I'M HUNGRY!"


"...No?" he calls back uncertainly.

"GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" I scream for the nth time that week.

"Haha, memories," Harry says, appearing in the doorway to the hall. He doesn't meet Louis' eyes as he walks past us and up the stairway.

I pat Lou's hand and get up to get my stuff ready. It was gonna be a long day.

(******Time Skip; That night******)

Everyone was settled in bed for the night but all I could do was stare at the ceiling. Meredith had gone home last night so I have nobody to talk to.

I soon decide that my ceiling isn't all that interesting and hop out of bed. I stretch and walk towards the door quietly.

I find myself hoping Louis would follow me, though.

He didn't.

I sit in my ancient tree-house and gaze at the stars for a while before the loud footsteps appear crashing on the forest floor, leaving a small trace of a smile at my lips. He came.

(******Third Person PoV******)

Louis hadn't followed Melanie out at first, deciding that she needed her time alone, but found himself worried about her in the dark forest at this time of night. So he went out.

She didn't seem surprised when he plopped down next to her, as the previous time. Except this time, she didn't sing.

Melanie had no need to. She was feeling much better than she usually did with the group around; but she also found herself a bit self conscious about herself. (What if he thinks it's stupid?)

Louis longed to hear her soothing voice, though. It told a story in octaves.

"The stars are beautiful," he blurts suddenly.

Melanie nods. "It's too bad we can't see them all; the Detroit lights block them out."

The stars reminded Louis of Melanie; shining beautifully, but so secluded. He looked at her, studying her features carefully. Unlike before, everything about her suddenly seemed to pop to him. He noticed even the smallest things; the slight crease by her eyes; the length of her eyelashes; the way her hair fell against her shoulders.

She vibrated of a new type of beauty to him.

Melanie observed the staring boy out of the corner of her eye. It puzzled her. She turned her head towards him and raised an eyebrow. He blushed and looked away, but she still questioned his actions.

No, it would take the girl much longer to return the feeling. Or to realize his.

They stayed there, side by side, for hours. There was much too much to say, but neither of them said a word.

Melanie eventually fell asleep and Louis gathered her in his arms to take back to her room. He struggled to get her down the tree-house, but he never put her down. When he made it to her room, her tucked her in and kissed her forehead before heading to his own bed.

Though he never slept a wink.

******A/N: Hey!!!!!!!!!!! This chapter was only three weeks apart, rather than the two months schedule we previously had! #Improvement!

What do ya think? *wink wink*

FIVE comments/votes until next chapter :)******

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