{10} - New

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******A/N: if you kill me for not updating you won't get any more updates so i strongly recommend not killing me

i'm not sure how much i'd like being dead

*floats around like a ghost*

READ ON, MY FELLOW... uh, readers? fangirls? humans? none of the above?******

Melanie woke up the next morning surprised to find herself in her bed. She was even more surprised to find that it was quiet.

Quiet. The thought seemed so strange it was almost foreign.

She threw her hair into a ponytail and padded down the stairs, looking around. Did they forget her and leave to the airport? Would they do that?

She was incredibly relieved to hear the sound of clanging in the dining room. Rushing in, Melanie looked around to find the crew... eating breakfast? She glanced at the clock quickly. 3:14. Her eyes widened.

"We thought we'd let you sleep in," Zayn explained through a mouthful of pancakes. "Lou said you looked tired."

Louis looked down at his plate and continued eating like he hadn't been mentioned.

"I'd say thanks," Melanie said, "but we have exactly one hour to get to the airport. So, word of advice: pack your shit and get moving." She rolled her eyes as everyone started freaking out: Dalal hadn't packed all of her makeup, Zayn needed to pack his hair supplies, etcetera. Melanie bounded up to her room and shoved some clothes and stuff into a bag. Shouldering it, she turned around to see Niall standing in the doorway. "Stalker, much?" she raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "I packed yesterday and didn't have much to do. So yes. Stalker indeed." He sat on her bed and crossed his legs, then looked at her seriously. "I came to ask you where you put the caramel topping yesterday night and you weren't here, or anywhere. Neither was Louis. You two aren't getting serious, are you?" he said, a teasing look on his face. "I'd rather not have mini-Louis and mini-Mel's running around anytime soon. Talk about spawn of the devil."

Melanie almost choked at the suggestion. She stood there, mouth agape, staring at him. "Niall! How could you even suggest something like that?!"

He grinned. "So it IS true!"

She threw a pillow at him. "OUT!" Niall ran out of her room, red from laughter. I am going to kill him, she swore.


An hour later everyone was seated in the plane. They'd gotten in with three minutes to spare. They would've gotten there earlier, but a 1D fan had spotted them, and...

Melanie had gotten seated between Louis and some old guy in his fifties. Great, she thought. Just great. She tried to get Louis to trade her for the window seat, but he wouldn't budge.

She sighed and glared at the ceiling. This was going to be a long flight.


By the time the plane landed, Harry had started a YMCA singalong, Dalal had kicked a flight attendant for not giving her any apple juice, and the man besides Melanie had started screaming into his phone about stocks. Yay.

They all stumbled into the streets of Rome after grabbing their luggage. It was a gorgeous sight, a combination of ancient structures with modern ones. A limo was waiting for them at the front of the airport, and they piled in.

Melanie sent Meredith pictures of her favorite sights as they drove by. She loved the large fountain with the statue of Neptune in it.

Finally, the limo arrived at a very large complex in the rural parts of Italy just outside the cities. Stepping out, Melanie shielded her eyes with her hand and stared at the large building. James Mason stands at the front.

All of the girls give a relieved sigh. They didn't want to end up with Cowell.

Melanie smiles at her new band, her friends, her new home. It was all falling into place.

******A/N: if only she knew how cruel authors were and that NOTHING WILL FALL INTO PLACE IN THIS STORY MWAHAHA

i know

you guys want to rip my guts out

but that would be very painful and unappreciated

you have your own guts

i'd like to keep mine.


TOODLES. *insert rainbows and smiley faces here* *lol no* *skulls and rock music yay* ******

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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