Chapter 33

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                Chapter 33






                Bam. The two sisters crushed each other in a five minute long embrace. I chuckled at their antics and turned towards my boobear, who was looking back at me knowingly. I stretched my arms wide.

                "LOUIS!" I screeched in the most feminine voice I could muster.




                Bam. We engulfed each other in a bone-crushing hug, trying to be as 'girly' as possible while doing it. "Oh mah gaawwwssh. I missed you SO much, Louis. Omg. You don't even understand. I was like, dying." I exclaimed and we squealed, jumping around in our tuxedos.

                "Oh Em Gee. What. Are you being for real? Oh em gee. SO WAS I. It was like, just horrible. I can't even. Omg. HOLD ME." he screamed, fake sobbing into my jacket.

                "Ha. Ha. Very funny." Roxy said, raising her eyebrow with a hand on her hip.

                We were all meeting up at Louis' and my flat in London for the opening of Fatima's bakery. Fatima and Zayn were already there, preparing and what-not. Liam, Danielle, Eleanor, Niall, Nina, Louis, Roxy and I were going to go in one car, trying to be earth-friendly and trying out the carpooling thingie-ma bob. Roxy was now two months long and the baby bump was slightly showing, but not by too much. We guessed she was just one of those people who don't really show.

                "So, everyone's here and ready. Let's get this show on the road!"

                "So, we've reached that time of the night, where I have to stand up on this stage and tell you guys how grateful I am to everyone that helped out with this place." Fatima breathed out a small laugh and the café stacked with people joined her. "First of all, I'd like to thank my mum and dad. Without them, I don't think I would be here today." Her eyes glistened lightly with tears but none spilled over. Her mother on the other hand, couldn't help herself and her cheeks were soon wet, her husband holding her tightly to his side in comfort. "My sisters, Tanya and Elise- for encouraging me to strive for the best at all times, and for a shoulder to cry on when needed. My friends, Nina, Eleanor, Danielle, Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry, for helping me in whatever way they possibly could and for making me laugh when I was stressed out of my mind. My wonderful boyfriend, Zayn, for being my partner in crime and refusing to let me crash and burn. And finally, Roxy. None of this would be possible without you and I don't think I could ever repay you.. but let's hope this is a start."

                Gasps erupted from the mouths of the audience, including Roxy's, as a tear trickled down her cheek. Fatima had pressed a button on a remote she'd been holding for quite a while and a bright picture was displayed for us on the back wall of the stage. In big bold letters read ROXY'S CAFÉ. I gently pushed Roxy towards her best friend since she seemed to be stuck in her spot and watched as she leaped up the small staircase and into Fatima's arms. The two sobbed into each other's necks and spoke quietly to one another, things for their ears only. After a moment, Zayn and I strode towards the podium to separate the two since the audience had to get home sometime soon- outside was starting to get eerily dark.

                "Well, I speak for my lovely girlfriend who is too emotional right now to close off this opening. Thank you all for coming and supporting! We hope to see you again in the near future." Zayn spoke into the microphone. Everyone cheered and soon, the place was empty.

                The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I'd kissed Roxy's forehead before getting the paper from the matt in front of our flat's door and reading it with a cuppa tea on the terrace, like I used to whenever we had a free morning for the past two years.

                "Morning, babe." The morning voice of my girlfriend greeted me as she stepped out into the warm fresh air. I moved the paper from my lap and gestured for her to take a seat. She giggled and did so, making herself comfortable as she leaned her head into the crook of my neck.

                I kissed the top of her head before going back to my paper while she just looked at the view. "I've missed England." She whispered quietly.

                "I have, too.."

                She suddenly sat up and took the paper from my grasp, staring at the page intently. "What's this?"

                I looked to what she was concentrating on to find an advertisement for a house a couple streets down from this flat. I hadn't even noticed I'd been looking at it. An idea sparked inside of my mind and I smiled at her, knowing she was thinking the same thing.

                "We'd be closer to everyone." She stated.

                "It would be easier to keep in contact with Syco..." I joined in.

                "And we'd be home." she smiled timidly.

                "So... shall we?"

                She paused for a moment, staring at the ad with a frown before grinning at me and nodding. "We're going house-hunting."

So, I'm exhausted and I just want to go read this new book I got. It's called The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen and it's simply amaze-balls. I've only reached the third chapter but I highly reccommend it.

If you click the external link to the side >> you'll find yourself on my profile of Sound Cloud, a place where I upload little covers/snippets of songs, if you wanna check that out, just saying. And you should also check out the profiles of the people I followed on it, since they are also amazing.

Wrapping this up, there are only F I V E more chapters of The One That Got Away left. I'm warning you, once again, you will N O T expect the ending. I've thought long and hard on it, and I really want you guys to be surprised. I don't want this to be a cliche story... but the ending IS cliche.. in  a way? I guess. Anynoodles, love you guys. Thanks so much for everything you do. <3 

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