Chapter 8 - I guess this is goodbye

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I awoke on the familiar couch at Ray's seeming quite dazed. When Ray noticed I had woken up he ran over to me quickly. 

"Are you okay?"Ray questioned me. "Yeah but I need to go home. I'm so sorry Ray. Gavin can stay here if you want so you have company. " I replied as I started packing my bags and looking for my laptop. I was getting on the next flight home. I just hope she'll be alright.

As I opened up my laptop Gavin came into the room and hugged me. "Don't worry Georgie, it'll all be okay. She'll be okay." It was at that moment when I let the tears slip through and I broke down crying. I just wish none of this would of happened.

After 20 minutes of crying and having a break down in Gavin's arms I started to fall asleep on what seemed as a surprisingly comfortable floor.

~The next day~

I woke up where I was yesterday. The floor now seemed a lot less comfortable then what it was last night. I got up off the floor and looked at the time. "10.37am". I had 4 hours before I had to be on my flight home.

I got changed and walked to Rooster Teeth Studios so I could say my goodbyes to the guys. Ray's apartment wasn't too far from the office so it was only a five minute walk. Gavin and Ray were in the office but there was no sign of anyone else. "They are all in the kitchen. I'm assuming you are here to say your goodbyes."Ray told me. nodded my head and said thanks and walked to the kitchen. Michael was the first to notice me. "Georgie, what are you doing here. Ray told us everything, including what happened to your sister. I'm so sorry." Michael came up to hug me followed by Geoff and soon enforced a group hug.

"I just came to say my goodbyes to everyone. I'm going to miss you guys so much." Michael came over to me and stole my phone, he did something then handed it around to all the guys. "You won't get this back for at least an hour, maybe one and a half. And don't even turn it on till you get on the plane." I reluctantly accepted Michael's terms and went back to the office.

Exactly 1 hour later Michael came back and he was sweating like a pig. I didn't turn my phone on when he gave it back and kept to my promise.

 When Ray told me it was time to go I said my final goodbyes to everyone. Ray drove me to the airport. When we arrived  at the airport I checked in and hugged Ray and Gavin goodbye. "Remember you can come back whenever you want." Ray said while hugging me. I let a tear slip down my cheek as I boarded my plane.

Once I was on the plane I pulled out my phone. Michael had changed my lock screen photo to a group photo. I smiled at it as I unlocked my phone and noticed they had left a message on the notes app. "Hey Georgie. if you kept your promise it means you are now on your flight home. We will miss you so much here at Rooster Teeth.fLet's Play's and other video's just won't be the same without you. We hope you can come back soon. Love you lots <3


The Rooster Teeth Staff

P.S. Every person from Rooster Teeth put their number in your phone and they have your number. :)"

I then saw a separate message from Michael only. "Hey Princess, if you're reading this it means you are leaving. I'm going to miss you so much. Over these past few days we have grown to need each other. I was too chicken to say this in person and now I am going to regret it but here it is. I love you, not only as a friend but something more. Call me when you land.

Love, Michael xoxo"

Once I finished reading both messages I broke into a quiet sob. "I love you too Michael" I said to myself. The plane took off and it was then I realised this was goodbye


That was hard to write. So many feels

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