Chapter 5 - reunited at last

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I awoke to someone poking my sides and realised that I must of fallen asleep on my flight to Austin. I definitely remember being awake when we stopped over in New York. Gave continued to poke me until I was out of my dazed state. I looked around and realised we were the last few people on the plane. We quickly grabbed our over head luggage and hopped off the plane.

Once we had collected our luggage and cleared customs, we went to wait on a bench just outside the airport. After 20 minutes Ray still hadn't arrived. All of a sudden I had felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was a text from Ray.

Ray: Mind if you get a taxi, I'm kinda busy and tied up with work. Just tell the driver 13 Presslar St.

Me: Yeah see you soon.

What is the bet Ray had forgotten to pick us up. Moments later I waved down the next available taxi and Gav put our bags in the back while I told the driver where to go.

20 minutes later we pulled up to a large brick building. I was surprised that it had no signage as to what this company is. This must be where Ray works, of course it is how could I be so silly. I paid the taxi driver and got our bags out of the back. The taxi pulled away from the building and Gav and I entered the surprisingly large building. I immediately recognized the receptionist and tried so hard to hold in my inner fangirl. It was Kara from Rooster Teeth. Moments passed before it dawned on me. Ray must be working for Rooster Teeth.

"Hi you must be Georgina, Ray's..... cousin. Right? And you are.....?" she greeted me and motioned to a shocked Gavin.

"This is my best friend, Gavin. Ray invited both of us." I replied

"Does he ever close his mouth?" Kara giggled a little as Gavin just stood there in awe.

"He does but you see, Gavin and I have been fans for years now and I guess you could say he's a little star struck."

"Right, well Ray is in the office down the hall and to your right. It was nice meeting y'all." Kara's thick Texan accent coming through.

Gav and I followed Kara's direction and we entered the room. I looked around the office and finally found Ray. As I saw him, he swivelled around in his chair as if to wonder who entered the office, immediately he noticed I was there. I ran up to him and hugged him as I let tear's fall down my cheek. I missed him so much and I was so glad to hold him in my arms. I know it sounds like we are dating but he is my cousin so don't go there. "I missed you so much." I told him. Eventually we broke away and I turned around to Michael, Geoff, Jack, Ryan and Gav staring at us. Gav knew the story but the others looked at us as if for us to explain all the emotions.

Ray explained to them why I was here and crying. They started to introduce themselves. " Hi I'm Geoff, this is Ryan, Jack and Michael."

"I know who you are. I have been a fan for many years. So has my friend here. Say hi Gavin" I simply replied. Gavin still was awe struck.

"Well guys the awe struck fool over there is my best friend Gavin." I walked over to Gavin. "GAVIN!!!!!!! TALK YOU FOOL." I yelled at Gavin. This was going to be a long couple of weeks.


Woo I updated. I was going to wait till 100 reads but I was stuck on 95 for so long I decided to update anyway. Thanks for the reads. Love you all!!!!! :)

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