The Beginning

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The crystal guard fell back on his rump and rubbed his head, looking up in fear as King Sombra held up a black helmet in his hoof that he summoned with his dark magic.

The crystal guard had no chance of escaping as his head was forced into the helmet, all memory gone as his eyes glowed green through the little slits on the helmet. Sombra's red horn started to glow purple as he led his new army toward the castle.

As he neared, black crystals appeared in front of him giving him easy access to the top of the castle windows. Shining Armour burst through the castle door towards the throne room with two of his most trusted guards close behind him.

"The guards said King Sombra reached the castle!" He announced once he reached the princess of love who had a scroll and feather pen, her light blue magic holding the scroll close to her face and the feather pen scribbling quickly.

"Hurry Twilight, we need you!" She spoke in panic as she used her magic to make the scroll disappear out the window in a light pink puff of smoke. She flew down to join her husband as he got closer "do you have Flurryheart!?" She asked when landed in front of him.

Shining Armour's face scrunched up in panic and confusion "I thought you had her?!" Cadence, Shining Armour and his two trusted guards looked towards the royal baby's doors where she slept.

Cadence gave a loud panicked gasp and charged towards Flurryheart's bedroom, Shining Armour and the guards running close behind. Shining Armour lit up his horn as they approached her room.

The doors flew open at once to reveal King Sombra using his magic to hold Flurryheart up by the back of her little hoof. Struggling to free herself. "Mama!" She called as Cadence came through the door.

Cadence gave a gasp of distraught as she saw her daughter tying to struggle free towards her parents , Cadences horn glowed dangerously towards King Sombra as he gave them a smirk of success, Shining Armour extended a foreleg in front of Cadence letting her know to stop.

"You won't get away with this!" She hissed through gritted teeth. King Sombra took a few steps towards them "Oh? But I already have" He announced using his magic to levitate Flurryheart into his arms, he placed one of his hooves towards Flurryheart's nose and poked it a few times.

Flurryheart whimpered in protest and tried to bite his hoof looking up at him in anger. King Sombra recoiled his hoof and laughed loudly.

His dark guards placed the crystal heart between two black claws once they arrived in the throne room, "with the crystal heart now in my possession, there is nothing to stop me from ruling the Crystal Empire!"

He announced once Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurryheart walked towards him in chains attached to their muzzle guard. "Kneel before Sombra!" He ordered while towering over them from on top of his new crystal throne.

Cadence and Shining Armour gave a brief glance of worry and they did as he said lowering their heads as low as possible. Flurryheart looked at her parents sadly as she saw how much control he had over them.

Sombra laid back in his crystal throne and gave a long satisfied sigh "long live the King!" He smirked. Cadence and shining Armour looked at each other and sighed in defeat, there was nothing they could do.

King Sombra shot a beam of black magic towards cadence, shining Armour and Flurryheart that created a black crystal dome around them. "I hope Twilight and the girls get here soon.." cadence spoke softly to shining Armour once their muzzle guard and chains were taken off, Shining Armour nodded and looked at king Sombra through narrowed eyes.

Sitting back and relaxing King Sombra used his magic to levitate green grapes from a vine over towards his mouth, giving a few satisfying chews as a sad crystal pony fanned him.

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