All The Vessels 2 Moods

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The Hollow Knight: Hisses when angry or startled, Chirps when casual/ calm, Purrs when happy or sleeping, clicks when scared, when worried and/or anxious will try to form sentences

Ghost: Chirps when worried, clicks when happy, purrs when calm or sleeping, Hisses when angered. His sentences come out better then THK's, being a little more comprehensible

Shades: They, like the others hiss when mad and purr when sleeping, but they Chirp when happy, and click when casual, they have jumbled up messes when they try to speak (think of a puzzle of words put together correctly, their puzzle is messy and in the wrong places making it hard to understand like someone threw a jigsaw puzzle at a wall)

Hornet: She used to do the same things as THK but she learned to speak so she doesn't anymore, though she still purrs in her sleep

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