xxv. SIGMA

831 26 6

MARCH 27,    2018

harry styles
[harry styles]

are you out of hospital? i pray you're well! h x

[adrian ingham]

I'm very well thank you! i'm out, still connected to some tubes, but out nonetheless.

i am little more prepared now that i'm back online—you've got munich tonight, right?

harry styles
[harry styles]

that's great! i saw your adidas shoot. the principle of it was great, and so were you.

forgive me for forgetting, but you have another campaign out soon, do you not? anything following that?

munich tonight, yes. can't decide what shoes i should wear though. it's a purple suit, what do you think would look good with that?

[adrian ingham]

yeah, i have a diadora campaign in a week or so. fairly lowkey, but it's start! my manager told me to keep my schedule free as there were some big projects interested in me, so i'm really excited about that!

purple suit... plain?

harry styles
[harry styles]

that's exciting!! i might have to follow an 'adrian update' page soon to keep up with you. best of luck x

the suit is plain purple with a yellow strip up the leg.

[adrian ingham]

thanks! x

i may be bias to this, but do you have anything sparkly? i'm a sucker for sparkles...

harry styles
[harry styles]

that doesn't surprise me.

i do in fact have some sparkles... i know exactly which ones i'm gonna wear. tune in for the photos tonight

[adrian ingham]

omg i'm excited.

god: don't sue me for using omg

harry styles
[harry styles]

oh she will.

i actually have a small favour to ask, love. forgive me if it's rude, but as i'm heading into more press filled tour locations within the next week or so, there's going to be more attention on anyone associated with me. god i sound like a dick. anyway, could you please change my contact name? the paps like to get pictures of people's phone screens to see notifications, and i don't want anything to get unnecessarily exploited. is that to demanding? sorry...

just something like 'h' will do.

[adrian ingham]

don't apologise! that's a completely valid thing to ask! of course i'll change it x

[harry styles]

absolute angel. thanks so much x

! ! !

harry seems like he would use double exclamation marks when talking to friends. he basically a middle age-r on social media

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