Im The Soft One - Rozonda

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(Rashod-Ray Ray Mindless Behavior)

I swear to god this man scares the hell outta me. What am I suppose to do, I'm the soft one. "C'mon Babygirl I won't hurt you." "I don't know that." He pulled me closer to him and popped me in the face. "When I tell you to do something you do it. No questions asked." I hate him! But I still love him. "Baby, if you just listen you wouldn't get hurt." "I know. I'm sorry for Bein a bitch. I love you Rashod." "I love you too Rozonda." He kissed my forehead. He still scares the actual fuck outta me though. I hope Tionne and Lisa are ok. I needa talk to them. "I needa cigarette." I get up and grab my pack of cigarettes and my lighter. I go outside and begin to smoke. This shit is becomin addictin. I put out my cigarette and went back in the house coughin. "Baby, I'm gettin in the shower." "I'm gettin in with you." "Ok." I hopped in the shower and so did Rashod and without notification, he stuck his dick inside of me. "Owe! Fuck that shit hurts! Take it out please." "Oh damn I'm sorry Babygirl." "Yea sure you are." He kissed my lips and added his tongue. I couldn't pull away. I was enjoyin this. He's a good ass kisser!

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