A Time Of Need

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Khassidy's P.O.V

After a month and some change after being kicked out of my parent's house, I ended up staying with my bestfriend Izza for the last five months.. still unable to find a place as of yet. I've constantly been in the dance studio at 7:00 AM before my students arrive,which had been earlier than usual, so that my pay could come quicker,  just like my contribution on helping my students get to their dream destination in dancing. Izza co-teaches with me at the dance studio every Wednesday. Wednesdays are usually freestyle days where the students get to choose any type of genre in music to dance to. We've been friends for three years. I had met Issa during an audition for the "Big Boss Got 'Tude" competition. We had an instant connection and bonded ever since. She's so caring and understanding... but she's been asking me as to why I don't have a place to stay. I guess it's time for me to let her know...

I left Izza's place to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks, then headed down to the dance studio three blocks away. My phone started to ring. It was Izza.

Izza: "Hey girly. Where are you? I came in the guestroom this morning and didn't see you. Are you on your way to the studio?

Khassidy: "Yeah. Decided it was best to just get some air and get the day going right. Couldn't sleep last night, and I woke up too early so I just decided to get dressed early and head down here."

Izza: "Girl, I know there's somethin' bothering your conscience. You haven't been acting like yourself lately. You know what, I'm gonna come down to the studio in 5 minutes. You better put me on because I don't like this version of Khass. You know i'm here for you, right? You can tell me anything."

Khassidy: "Yeah, I know you are, and that's why I love you like a big sister. It's just... a lot on my plate, and I'm sorry if i haven't clearly explained to you as to why I don't have a place to stay. If you need your space, I can get my things and leave by tomorrow morni-"

Izza: "Girl, that's not what I meant! I meant for you to be open with me. You've been shutting me out for more than a month now and I can tell what's going on in your mind. You're bothered by something. I'm coming down there and you better tell me everything. No more excuses or lies. Later. Love you."

Khassidy: "Okay, later. Love you more."

She knew I was deeply bothered. Lost. Alone for the first time in my life. Ever since my parents disowned me, I've felt nothing but deep regret, as if i had to just give everything up... which includes my passion for dance. How would Izza react? What would my students do without me being there for them? I have people depending on me to be motivational towards them, when all of my motivation has been drained and smashed into a pulp... Let's face it. I'm hopeless.

As I approached the dance studio doors, I look up at the sign at the very top of the studio: "Je Suis Danse". One of the letters from the neon sign stopped blinking. The "Je Suis" part of the sign stood out to me more because the letters started to rapidly blink out of no where. Huh. "I Am." I wonder what this signifies.

I step into the dance studio, flicked on one of the light switches that lights up only half of the room, and started to play "Stranger In Moscow" By Michael Jackson. I proceeded to sit down in the middle of the floor in the room and listened to Michael's sensual vocals. Something in me triggered me to cry. Tears started to roll down my cheeks when part of the song said "How does it feel....when you're alone and you're cold inside."

I heard a knock on the door. I looked, and it was Izza. I wiped the tears from my eyes as quickly as I could, and ran towards the doors and opened them.

Izza: "See I told you i'd be here in 5 minutes."

Khassidy: "Yeah." I said as i did a chuckle with a soft sigh.

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