Ryan x marisa407

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People: Ryan, Marisa

PoV: First, Ryan's, Marisa's

Place: New RT Office, Home


-Ryan's PoV-

The Guys and I are all busy working on editing and I have two GTA video's to edit, But I just can't get it done. I have to many things on my mind right now.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I hear my name being called, I look up with a quizzical look. "Hmm?"

"Dude! I was talking to you! What's gotten into you? I have been talking to you for the past twenty minutes and you're just ignoring your other half! I need the other R in this team!" Ray whimpers.

I shake my head and run a hand over my face. "I'm sorry Ray, I just been worried." I sigh, saving what I did edit and paused the video. "I think I need a break..." I push myself away from my desk slightly and quickly stood.

I start to walk to the door when I felt a hand being placed gently on my shoulder. "You okay Rye? Mind having company?" Ray asks, worry spreading through his words and face.

I shrug slightly, "I don't mind." I didn't really, but I just wish sometimes the guys would leave me alone when I am this way. We walk to the break room, finding Miles searching the room for God knows what.

Miles smiles towards us. "Hey! Do you know where the beer I was hiding somewhere around here is at? I don't remember where I placed it..." Miles whined.

Ray shrugs and points to the RWBY and RvB area. "I think I saw Kerry earlier with a beer, but I don't know if it was yours. Sorry man." He says, getting himself a un-opened water bottle out of the fridge.

Miles grumbles words under his breath and rushes towards their area. I wonder over to the fridge and pull out a coke. I open it and take a small drink of it, then turn to face Ray.

Ray looks back at me in question, the wheels in his head turning. "What's been going on? You haven't been yourself for a few days..." He adjusts his glasses back up on his nose and sits down on the steps when you walk into the break room.

I sat down beside him and rub my hand over my face, Sighing. "Dude, I don't know. Marisa and I have been together for a few years now and I just want to have her move in with me and Marry her... But I don't know if she would want that... I mean why not? She's always at my house or I'm always at hers... I mean... Why not move under the same roof?"

Ray smiles, "There is something seriously wrong with you! Do you not see how she looks at you? She looks at you with love, adoration, happiness! Dude, She would probably die if you don't ask her to move in with you, let alone Marry you! She's been dying to hear those words from you! I would know, we talk all the time." Ray smirks.

"She wants to get married?" I smile brightly, Now I don't have to talk to her about it.

Ray sighs, "No dip-shit I just told you for nothing... YES!" He throws his hands up and smiles. "Now, you should either make it stupidly romantic or just flat out tell her, now knowing you... I would suggest make dinner or some shit, I don't know." He shrugs.

I give a half smile, "Thank's Ray! You're the best!"

Ray shrugs, "Hey, what would you be without the other R?" He smiles and pats me on the shoulder, then stands up. "Good luck man, come on let's get back to work." I stand up with a sigh and nod.

We head back to the office and start recording Minecraft.

-After work, Marisa's PoV-

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