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I watch as Luke emerges from the bathroom, his hair sticking up in all directions and a large smirk planted on his face.

“Mikey, seriously, you need to try bathroom sex,” he said as he leans against the wall next to me.

I hate it when Luke says things like that, because he knows I’m a virgin, and a completely shy and antisocial bastard. The only reason I’m even at this bloody club is because he dragged me here.

“Luke, you know I don’t do shit like that,” I say, sighing in embarrassment and shame as I took to my feet.

He turns to look at me for a moment, seeming to study my face before replying. “Then why are you eye-fucking that blonde over there?” He asks, pointing in the direction of the beautiful girl I took notice of earlier.

I gape at him, wondering how the hell he noticed I took a liking to her. “I was not!” I exclaim, my words slurring in my drunken state.

“Michael. I’ve been best friends with you since year eight, okay? I know when you fancy a girl.”

I sigh, knowing he’s right. I nod my head at him, not even waiting for a reply as I walk towards the exit of the club. Opening the grey door, I stumble outside, the cool air hitting my face.

Luke walks out the door a few minutes later, a worried expression planted on his face.

“Michael, you can’t just run off on me like that! You know how worried I get. Can you please tell me next time you decide to ditch me in a room full of hormonal and intoxicated teenagers?”

I almost laugh at the irony of this situation, seeing as though Luke just did the deed in a fucking bathroom stall.

“Luke stop worrying, seriously! Take a chill pill,” I say, my words slurring as I drunkenly skip down a path down the side of the club, towards the parking lot.

“Michael, come back! We don’t want a repeat of what happened last year, okay?” He says as he jogs to catch up with me. Jesus Christ, stop running off on me,” he sighs, running a hand through his blonde quiff.

“Sorry Lukey,” I giggle, grabbing his hand and trying to make him skip with me. Surprisingly, he complies and acts like a child along with me. I think he’s only doing it because he feels bad for bringing up what happened last year.

“Michael, get in the car,” Luke says as we reach the parking lot. I comply and get in the passenger seat.

I rest my head against the window as we begin to drive, the soft hum of ‘Give Me Love’ by Ed Sheeran playing quietly on the radio.

“You know Mikey, I care about you a lot. You really need to get out there and start dating and meeting girls. Or even guys, if that’s what you’re into,” Luke says, smirking at me from the corner of his eye. “Because seriously, I am getting sick of you moping around our apartment with nothing better to do than play Fifa. I only want what’s best for you, Mike. We all do. Do from now on, when I ask you to go out and socialize, promise me you’ll try? I know you find it hard to talk to people but please try. I don’t want you to end up alone.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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