=> Talk to Meg

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Nothing to lose. Meg is pretty observant and smart; might as well see what she's like in this world.

You walk up to the counter, waving at her slightly. "Uh, hello," you say awkwardly.

"Hi. Do you, like, need something?" she says while taking out a nail-file from her pocket, still keeping up her blank expression familiar from your world. "Are you, like, also here to get a last-minute book for the book report thing?"

"Oh, uh, no, I was just, uh, wondering if you knew about that guy over there," you say as you point to Drake.

She raises an eyebrow of curiosity, which surprises you a bit as you've never seen her move her face much. "Oh, the cutie over there? Yeah, he, like, comes here every time after school to do nerd stuff." She leans over the counter closer to you. "I heard he's, like, the principal's kid. Makes sense why he's studying so hard."

"Wait, he is? How do you know?"

She wags her nail file around. "I see, like, lots of things and hear lots of things. Like, I know a bit about everyone here. " She points her file at a girl crying into a bean bag. "That's Jamie, head cheerleader. She just broke up with Elijah from varsity soccer cuz they catfished each other and thought they were both cheating."

She then points to a random guy hiding his face behind a large book. "That's Marlo. He seems quiet but don't be fooled; he's hacked the school wifi to get past the filters and is probably watching some, like, raunchy furry stuff behind that book. I hear he'll let you in on the details for a price."

You open your mouth in awe. "Wow. Does everyone come in to the library to tell you this stuff?"

She puts the file up to her ear. "Nah, let's just say I have, like, really really good ears and eyes."

You look up in thought. "Would you happen to know about someone named Iris?"

"Iris is a pretty common name. Do you mean, like, the super popular Iris?"

You nod.

She taps her file against her chin. "Gosh, like, where do I start? She's like, the coolest person in this school. Like, everyone knows her. I don't think I've even heard about any haters. Why you askin'? Are you, like, one of her admirers?"

You redden a bit. "Oh, no, I'm just, uh, a friend of hers. We played video games together."

She raises an eyebrow again. "She plays video games? First I've heard of that."

You look confused. "Does...does she not? I thought the two things she really loves are video games and manga."

She chuckles. "No way, I'd, like, have seen her here all the time if she was like that. Maybe we're, like, talking about a different Iris? Cool kids like her don't usually have time for nerd stuff, y'know."

"Isn't that shallow to say? Does popularity really affect your hobbies?"

She wags her file again. "It's not shallow, it's logical. If people hang around nerds, they do nerd stuff together. If basic people hang together, they do basic stuff together. And, like, I haven't seen Iris hang around nerds." She taps her file on the counter. "Oh, don't get her wrong though, I don't think she hates nerd stuff. I'm pretty sure it's just that nerds don't really talk to her."

Her phone vibrates. "Oh, like, I gotta go. I'll see you around...Leah's twin brother."


You head back to the parking lot. There, you see Naomi sitting in her car, watching people. You walk over and wave at her, entering the shotgun seat.

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