Chapter 6

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Lyric was out of town visiting with her father back home. I was with Daniel at his place. We are listening to music and dancing around in the kitchen goofing around while cooking dinner. I knew what he was but I honestly didn't care I still loved him. I put on our favorite song and he spins me around.
      He spins me then pulls me close. I looks up at him and touch my lips to his lips. He lifts me up kissing me. I wrap my legs around him. He was holding me up. I kissed him once more. I felt a smile creep into his face. I look into his eyes and smile.
     The timer on the stove dinged. He set me onto the counter of the island and went over to the stove and turned it off. He put the pizza on the top of the stove to cool and walks over to me with his dorkly little smile on his face.
     He kisses me once again before going over and cutting the pizza. He gets out two plates and puts a few slices on each plate. We go into the living room with our plates and watch a movie while eating.
     We both finish our few slices of pizza. He moves over to me and pushes me backwards climbing on top of me. I pull his shirt off him. He puts his lips on mine. He gets up picking me up. I wrap my legs around him. He takes me upstairs. He pins me to the wall and kisses my neck. He unbuttons my flannel. I let a moan slip out not being able to hold it in anymore. He slips my shirt off.
     He takes his pants off and drops them onto the floor. I slip mine off as well. He lifts me up and drops me on the bed. He climbs on top of me and I kiss his cheek slowly moving my kisses down his neck.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a while later~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I fell asleep snuggled up to Daniel a while afterwards. It was nice. It felt great to be so close to Daniel. His body is as cold as ice but it was also so comforting. He made me happy. For the first time in months I felt safe. I felt happy.
     I slept for a while. I was so peaceful sleeping up to him.  I haven't felt anything like this in years. I have been so wrapped up in fear that I haven't let myself be happy. But being next to Daniel has made me feel safe.

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