6-All Praise to the Prank Queen

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I have been through hell before. My life before meeting you was the definition of hell but never have I felt this horrible before.

I remember one day when we were in our secret spot you asked me something.

"Do you think that love is really the greatest feeling? Even the Bible says it."
I remember looking at you wondering how that question popped up before answering you.

"Not really. Sure love is great and all but it can't really be the greatest."

"Then what do you think is?" You looked at me with curiosity laced in your eyes.

"Jealousy, hatred, greed, rage, revenge. They surely come before love. And let's not forget fear. Thousands of domestic murders were due to jealousy, hatred and rage. And most of them were done by wives who caught their spouses cheating and vice versa. Surely they loved them but at that time it was a spark compared to the furnace of emotions they were feeling. Greed was what put Judas in trouble. He loved Jesus but that didn't stop him. Revenge has been a fuel for many crimes in the past. And fear, fear kills people more than any disease in the world. So no, love isn't the strongest emotion." I smiled looking at you as I felt good about my argument. "Why are you smiling?" I asked with my face in puzzlement.

"Nothing." Your smile grow. "Just love when you talk. Looking all serious and important." You teased making me blush and slap your shoulder.

I remember.

I wish now I can change my answer. I wish I could tell you what I feel now. What I experienced. You were right. Love is the greatest emotion. I have felt all those emotions lately and even more. Some towards me, some towards you and some towards other people. I have felt it for so long now that I can't feel anything anymore. But let me tell you, after everything one emotion refused to die no matter how hard I tried.

It was my love for you. It was why the pain never stopped. It was infuriating and consuming.

Thinking that I sat on my bathroom floor as cut my wrist letting the temporary calmness engulf me.

I know all of you are wondering what happened in the ICT office and after that. So I'm going to tell you .

I started working in the ICT department because of my genuine love for computers but after sometime after I was a pranked by people I tried thinking of the perfect revenge plan. Until an idea came into my head.

Working with the school ICT department had it's perks. Access to stable and free wifi. Choosing any school gadget of your choice since they gave every student an iPad or a MacBook at the beginning of a school year. You also have access to a lot of information before most students. Like when the mid terms are starting or when we were having an external quiz. Or what was on the menu in the cafeteria a day before.

One of the unwritten benefits was we have an access to everyone's personal information like emails and passwords. It was supposed to be only the staff allowed but Miss Rhonda trusted me a lot so she didn't hide it that well. It took a week for my plan to get together. First I created a link with the school site to be able to log in in another computer. After that I downloaded the school final exam paper and the timetable for everyone in my grade and my sister's. I felt a jolt of excitement when I saw the people I was looking for.

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