"And I didn't forget what you said. You still have a rain checked ass-whopping." She said as if she had read my mind.

I chuckled. "I guess I'll go because I don't want to intrude-"

"Why would you be intruding?" She raises an eyebrow.

I made a face. "Because your mother is back from out of town. I'm sure you guys have plenty of catching up to d-"

"Ace! Baby?" I heard probably Ace's mother's voice and swallowed.

I was kind of ready to faint but mama didn't raise a bitch so..

By now I'm just standing awkwardly behind Ace as she stands confidently about to greet her mom.

"I'm in here, ma."

A light skin lady whose a little shorter than me, with brown and blonde highlighted curls comes around the corner. She has light colored eyes and a slim and really beautiful face. You can tell she's in the gym when she has time because she's in really good shape. Her entire aura screams money and class and I feel a little intimidated.

Her mom was beautiful.

They embraced eachother. And Ace's mom planted kisses all over her face.

"Maaaa." Ace whined and I laughed quietly.

Ace's mother paused and her eyes landed on me.

I froze.

I- what do I do?!

"Well hi there." She smiles my way and I smile back, trying not to be awkward.

"Oh Mom... this is my friend Queen, Queen this is my mom." She puts her hand at the small of my back and I walk forward to grab her mom's extended hand.

"Friend huh?" She smirks.

So I see where Ace gets her infamous smirk from...

Ace chuckled. "Yes mom."

"So this is the famous Queen Mengele. You're far more beautiful than Ace descri-"

"So how long will you be in town, Mom?" Ace frowned.

Her mom ignored her. "Call me Grace, baby." I nod and shake her hand.

"Yes ma'am." I smile. "I'll get going because I'm sure you guys have some catching up to d-"

"Oh no, stay stay. We'd love to have you over for dinner if you don't mind.... Isn't that right Ace?" She turns her head to her and Ace rolled her eyes.

"Sure." She grumbled. Probably not liking the fact that her mom was ignoring her and giving me all this attention.

I mean I'm an introvert so if she wanted the attention she could have it...

I smiled. "Well thanks Mrs.Grace. I'd love that."

Ace started drinking a bottle of water from her night stand, ignoring us altogether.

Mrs.Grace nodded, satisfied with my response. She then kissed Ace on the cheek. "Okay baby I'll see y'all later. I have to go by the office but I'll be back by seven."

On her way out she pauses. "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone. I can't be a grandma just yet." And with that she leaves with a stellar smile.

Ace chokes on her water and I go bright red.

Did she just-

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