"Wanna help?" I asked hesitantly. I mean, asking didn't hurt. And I would be done sooner, even though I wasn't in a rush. Also, I doubted he had anything better to do since he was still here.

He eyed the truck, then me before finally raising his shoulders for a lazy shrug. "Why not."

I grabbed the sponge and threw it towards him when Asher started walking over, and he easily caught it. He didn't know it was still soaked though, so his shirt was soon after splashed with dirty water.

While I was grinning smugly he just raised a brow at me. Just when I was about to open my mouth to say something, he threw the sponge back with as much force as he could bring up.

It hit my shoulder and water splashed everywhere, causing me to leap back with a surprised gasp and stare down at my wet clothes.

"You're so dead," I stated, raising my hand to my wet hair. Ew, what the fuck. I just showered this morning.

Asher simply shrugged and went over to take the sponge back. Then he picked up where I stopped just a minute ago, spreading water all over the car's front. We worked together side by side, listening to the music and trying not to think too much.

It was definitely new. While I wasn't necessarily used to being around Asher yet, especially not to being alone with him, I didn't mind doing this with him. He didn't try to talk over the music and ruin the song, and neither did he judge me for not being the best at cleaning a car. Or if he did, he at least didn't show it – I couldn't exactly know what was going on in his head.

I eyed him from the side as he was vacuuming the seats in the front. His brown hair was casually pushed back and probably held there by a bit of hairspray. I noticed his eyebrows were a much darker shade than his hair, causing them to stand in great contrast to his conspicuous bright eyes. His skin was evenly toned, probably due to him being outside so much. It wasn't a secret anymore that he liked to play Dora the explorer and wander around his so-called 'home'.

I brought my gaze back to the doormat I was currently cleaning. His words from last Monday entered my head again. Pain made people change, but not always for the good.

I wondered if Asher had experienced pain.

Then I remembered that he was just another annoying person from a school I didn't want to attend, and that his friends were just as plain and exasperating. I wouldn't be here for long and I wasn't one to have friends anyway, so what was the point in caring, really?

Then I realized that I spent a lot of time with people I claimed to be annoyed by so much, and raised the music's volume to drown out the rest of my thoughts.

The sudden appearance of a hand on my shoulder caused me to flinch a little. When I turned around Asher was smirking again, pointing to his ear.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to lower the volume, making a conversation possible.

"You're gonna be deaf someday, you know," the boy stated and went back to the vacuum cleaner we had found inside.

I shrugged. "I won't live to that day anyway."

Asher raised a brow but didn't look at me. "You're not becoming suicidal as well, are you?"

"Nah. In case you haven't noticed we live in a rather shitty world, and I doubt it's long until humans got it so fucked up that the end is the only option left for us," I said nonchalantly. "For now I'm alive though, so I'll listen to music as loud as I want."

When Asher brought the vacuum cleaner with him back to the car, he was frowning. He set it down and stretched, and I could hear a few bones crack in his back as they jumped in place.

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