World-Saving Hero Spider-Man

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Running across the building rooftops was the best thing Peter ever experienced, the wind hitting his face as he continued to run over the rooftops of his home city. Peter loved the sight of Queens from on the rooftops, he could see everyone busily running around and the lights of all of the buildings lighting up the night sky when it was dark. Peter vowed to protect Queens, whether he was allowed to or not, it was his job. He loved his job nonetheless. 

His adoptive fathers, Tony and Steve weren't exactly very enthusiastic about Peter putting his life out on the line for Queens, but they couldn't really say anything considering they did the same thing but to a bigger scale. They were happy that Peter didn't consider going on the big scale missions with them and putting him in worse danger, they preferred that he protected the 'little guy' as they referred to it. He was a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, not a world saving hero Spider-Man. 

Well that was the case until a certain summer's day... 

Friday, 9:48am, 16th June. 

Peter had accidentally slept in, he called for his parents but found them through no avail, they were no where to be seen. 

"FRIDAY, where are my parents?" Peter asked visually worried, as he walked into the empty living room. 

"Master Rodgers and Master Stark are out on a mission in New York with the rest of the avengers, would you like more information?" FRIDAY responded casually, in the usual emotionless AI voice. 

"Is there any video footage?" Peter asked the AI.

"Yes, would you like me to transfer it over to the television?" FRIDAY responded. 

"Yes please." Peter responded as FRIDAY projected the footage, clearly filmed for the news onto the TV. 

The scene was horrific to say the least, it would be scary for anyone but this was his family, the people he loved and cared for. He could see the look on Natasha's face, a look of pain and frustration, the blood tricking down her face and her lip. Clint looked pretty banged up too the same for Rhodey, his suit was ruined, parts falling off and barely usable. 

He couldn't let this happen, he couldn't watch his family fight these villains from the sofa! He got up, a determined look evident on his face as he marched to his room, busting open the back of his drawers, showing his web shooters. He grabbed them quickly before going under his bed and grabbing his suit before changing and webbing his way out of the window. 

He reached the fight zone in a matter of minutes, trying not to draw any attention to himself his parental figures would be angry with him to say the least, probably take away his Spidermanning privileges and ground him for a while but he had to help. He began webbing up the robotic enemies as best as he could, clearing the area of them as fast as possible. 

Once he had finished webbing up this area of the robotic faced enemies, he could see the look of relief on the civilian's faces, he smiled at them even though he knew they couldn't see his smile because he was wearing a mask before webbing away. 

Most of the land seemed clear as he began to run around the rooftops, he seen his father in his gold and red suit and began to retreat before he seen him. He turned around, seeing his aunt on the floor, her guns out of arms reach surrounded by the rest of the surviving enemies. He quickly webbed one up, kicking the other out of view. Back flipping before kicking the last one as Natasha took out the one on her left with her leg, flooring him. Peter held out a hand to his aunt, who gratefully accepted it, pulling him into a hug. 

"Thank you baby spider." Natasha said gratefully. 

"No problem auntie Tasha." Peter said happily. 

He turned back around to be met with the disapproving look of his fathers, well Steve. He couldn't see Tony's facial expression considering he was wearing his suit but he could picture the disappointed look on his face. He winced at the thought. He slowly began to back up before webbing away not wanting to come in conflict with his parents right now. 

Ned had been sent home because of the whole fight thing being near their school so Peter went over to his best friend's house, chapping lightly on his window to make sure he didn't catch Ned's parent's attention, he seen him at the window before opening it and letting him crawl through. They spent the rest of the day there talking about the fight and building Ned's new lego Death Star before Peter seen the time 7:37pm, he can't avoid them forever. 

~Time skip brought to you by my lack of creativity and description skills~

Peter tried his best to silently climb through his bedroom window and into the tower, hoping FRIDAY wouldn't alert his parents of his arrival and wait until it all blew over before he had to confront them but no matter how Peter hoped, he knew that wasn't going to happen and he wouldn't be able to avoid his parents or family. He crawled on the ceiling, taking small steps over to the door being as quiet as possible, not focusing on anything else apart from closing the door. He slowly made his way over to the door, closing it slowly to prevent noise before breathing out a sigh of relief, before dropping quietly onto the floor and turning around. 

"That's some talent you have there." His dad started as Peter tried to find him, the arc-reactor quickly came into Peter's view as it shone through his father's shirt. Peter gulped nervously, "Nothing to say, Peter?" 

Peter started to get really nervous, his dad hadn't called him Peter in a while it was always Pete, Kid or Kiddo. That's when he knew he was in deep trouble. He felt himself want to curl up into a ball and retreat into a corner. 

"What have you got to say for yourself?" Tony said raising his voice seriously. 

"I'm sorry." Peter whispered, screwing his eyes closed. 

"Sorry doesn't cut it Peter, you could've died today!" Tony said stepping into view properly letting Peter see his seriously angry face. 

"I was fine!" Peter said raising his voice a little.

"Don't raise your voice at me." Tony said sternly, "You aren't experienced enough for these missions." 

"I'm tired of being treated like a kid!" Peter said annoyed.

"That's because you are a kid!" Tony said raising his voice.

Before Peter could retort, Steve came running in with Natasha, Natasha came and ran over to Peter and hugged him. Peter was annoyed but he loved his family, he couldn't stay mad at them even though he wasn't mad with Natasha in the first place. 

"You know, Tones, I thought Peter did great today, he did save my life." Natasha said as she put an arm around Peter's shoulders. 

Tony just rolled his eyes, "You aren't helping Nat." 

"Never said I was planning on helping you in the first place." She said as she winked at Peter causing him to giggle. 

"I do have to admit, Peter did do good today." Steve admitted. 

Tony huffed in response, "I guess so." 

They all left the room and decided to watch movies, all enjoying each other's company. Peter started to dose off, his head placed on his dad's chest and his legs draped across an asleep Natasha's legs. Steve was cuddling with Tony asleep too. 

"FRIDAY, take a picture." Tony said as he began to fall asleep too.

"Saved to the 'My Family' folder." FRIDAY responded. 

Tony smiled, this was him family right here, even if they were sometimes dysfunctional, were superheroes and weren't related through blood, it was his family through heart. 

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