That's what family is for :)

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Peter silently made his way out of class, making his way to the front of the school where happy would be impatiently waiting for his arrival. He made his way through the halls as he stopped at his locker, dropping off a few textbooks and some notes he didn't need tonight, after he did so he looked down at the floor of the school before being pushed against the lockers. Most of the pupils had already made it out of class and away on their journeys back home.
Unfortunately, Peter was used to being used as a human punching dummy, his excuse was 'he was just saving the kids that couldn't heal fast enough' but it pained Ned to see his friend constantly pinned up against lockers, punched and kicked. Today was no different, Flash, the rich brat was just doing his everyday beating of poor Peter who never put up a fight and just took in all the words.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you Penis!" Flash galled aggressively to Peter his hand still firmly grasping on to Peter's sweater. Peter looked up to be met by a punch to his face and a kick to his ribs. Flash just grunted, "Pathetic." Before walking away.
Peter sat there for a few moments the pain soaking in as he tried to shrug it off, he lifted himself off the ground despite his body begging for him to lie down as he pulled up his hood, it shadowed over his face which was definitely going to bruise. He picked up his backpack which had been kicked out of the way during Flash's daily 'meeting' with Peter before turning to the exit and meeting up with an unhappy happy (ironic isn't it?) who was sent here by Mr Stark to pick him up. 

The usual happy, energetic boy got into the car without saying a word to happy as he buckled in his seat-belt, Happy took notice of this as he began to drive away, the kid that he picked up nearly every day that babbled on until they made it to the tower without any pauses, sat silent in the car. He didn't even look in Happy's direction as he gazed out the window looking at the building as Happy started driving to the tower.
Peter didn't speak one word to Happy until they got out of the car, "Thanks." Peter mumbled as they reached the front door.
"No problem." Happy said, as much as Happy would protest he did have a soft spot for the energetic teen and was extremely worried about him.
Peter made his way up the elevator to the living quarters not speaking a word to anyone and just responded with an lazy wave as he slumped himself into his room. Happy was truly worried by the kid's change in personality and decided to alert his boss and Peter's adoptive father, saying Tony was worried was an understatement.
Tony has been working away on his suit all day and was really getting into it, he asked no one contacted him until he said otherwise. Tony had been a little annoyed when his rock music was interrupted but still listened to the message, Tony quickly set down his tools and sprinted off upstairs to his son. 

He made it to Peter's room as he knocked on the door with no response, he sighed in frustration as he opened the door himself to find his son standing there cleaning his burst open lip, when Peter saw his father he quickly out his hood back up hiding his face and his brown curly hair. Peter could see how infuriated Tony was when he seen the marks and sighed.
"What happened?" Tony said the anger evident in his voice.
"I just fell down a few stairs." Peter said as he fidgeted under his father's gaze.
"Peter." The man said sternly not taking his eye off of his son.
Peter didn't lift his gaze off of the floor but could feel his father's stare.
"Peter." The man said louder, his voice sounded angry and stern.
"It's just a kid in my school nothing too serious." Peter said as he continued to fidget.
Peter made his way to the door as he walked out, his father still following behind.
"Nothing too serious?!" Tony said raising his voice in disbelief.
"What's going on?" Natasha said as she noticed the pair.
"Some kids been bullying Peter." Tony said still following his son as he sat on the arm of the couch.
"What!" She shouted as it caught the attention of Bucky and Wanda who were deep in conversation in the kitchen.
"What's going on?" Wanda asked as herself and Bucky walked beside Natasha.
"Some asshole has been bullying Peter!" Tony and Natasha shouted angrily.
Wanda clenched her fists, they had always been over protective of Peter and aunts and uncles but Wanda thought of Peter more like a brother than a nephew. She tried to calm herself down as she walked over to the teen hugging him.
"Who is it?" She asked calmly.
"He's called Flash his real name is Eugene though." Peter said turning around to face Wanda. Wanda seen his black eye and burst open lip and her heart broke for the teen as she held him tightly.
Tony summoned his armor as they all began walking to the school passing many confused interns and staff members to why they were all heading out.
Tony used FRIDAY to find out the information about the kid that had been bullying Peter and found out where he lived, together they marched up to the door of a massive suburban house, the house was large in size but no one really paid attention to it apart from Peter. Bucky was beyond annoyed and wanted to kill the asshole along with Tony and Natasha. Wanda wanted to make the boy's life a living hell so he would have to suffer. 

Peter knocked on the door as Flash answered, "What do you want Penis?" He hissed that is when Tony stepped forward getting into Flash's face.

"What did you just call my son?" Tony barked as Flash jumped clearly intimidated.

"Uh Uh Mr Stark!" Flash said his eyes wide in fear and distraught. 

"Listen up Flash, you mess with my kid again and I'll make sure you don't get into any good schools and I will ruin your life." Tony said as Flash whimpered.

"Not just Tony will," Wanda said standing forward along with Bucky and Natasha.

"We all will." 

Flash would learn to never bother the young spider-ling again, especially if he actually wanted to live his life properly according to Mr Stark. Peter constantly said that they didn't have to do that to him. Even though he was grateful he always asked why they did do what they did and all they ever responded with was 'That's what you have to do for family.'


I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! It is 1,100+ words long but oh well if you have any ideas for what I could do for one shots please suggest them as I love writing them! Thank you!!


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