Silence - Part 4

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As I placed down the tortilla wraps, I couldn't help but notice a bright blue sticky note in the corner of my eye. Out of curiosity, I read it.

It said:


   I know that kid, and I know his
channel. I've seen his little "draw my life" video. And guess what, he's gay! I say we tear him and Denis' "friendship" apart, starting by smashing the cheap vase in the corner when he's near it. We can claim that it was really important to us. Denis will probably try to defend his friend and comfort him, but we must not let him. Keep as much space between them as possible, and reveal that he's gay to Denis! We will not let him get corrupted by demons like you-know-who.

We will unfold with this plan at 7:45, and for gods sake, do NOT let Denis read this!


I should've known something like this was going to happen.

(No, You-know-who is NOT Voldemort, the note was referring to Lucy)

I glanced at the time. It read 7:35. I decided we might as well leave now to save Alex from humiliation, so I started walking towards him. Before I could even take a step though, I was stopped by my mom and my baby cousin, asking me to do a Christmas car puzzle with them. They were sneaky. My whole family knew just how much I loved cats and puzzles.

I turned down my mother's invitation though and told her I needed to talk to Alex. Her eyes got wide as she said, in a clearly fake voice: "You would value his time," she paused dramatically and sighed loudly as she said, "over your own mother?!"

I knew she was guilt tripping me, but I didn't like seeing my mother this way, so I obliged, thinking that I had 9 minutes to spare.


Silence - A Dalex (Denis x Alex) Mini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now