The New Beginning

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"Are we ready to go?", "Yes we are", "How to get to the castle?", "On the east side, I see that a part of the wall has been torn down, that's our entrance to the castle", we slowly moved, trying not to be noticed by the soldiers of the darkness who guarded the entrance to the castle. When we came in, we noticed that the castle was empty, there was no one inside, "Something is wrong, why the castle is empty", "I would like to know why, the best thing to do is go on, we should go to the room where the king's throne is", "Then we should move on", We followed the hallway until we reached the huge door of a height of over 5 meters, where the creatures from the other world were carved, we opened the door, when we entered the room, we saw Grelt sitting at the tron, "You've finally arrived, I was expecting you, welcome to my home! ", "We have not come to talk to you, here we are to finish what we have long ago begun", "When you are going to realize that you can't defeat me", "Maybe one day", "But the positive side for you is that your journey ends here and now, look outside, the darkness will soon swallow everything, it's over, there is nothing you can do", "We can fight to the end, that's all we have left", "Very strong words, but stop talking, let's finish this", he took out his sword and headed for us, we took out our own and we waited for his move, he attacked both of us, the fight against him was always difficult, only this time he was much stronger, he tried to defeat us quickly, but he did not succeed, we resisted, we did not want to lose, until at one point Adrian did not give in, Grelt pushed him away and Adrian hit the wall, now there is only him and me, we continued our fight, but he was much stronger than me, I could not defeat him by myself, soon I lost the sword from my own hands, I thought this was the end, Grelt was ready to pierce me, but Adrian moved in front of me and received a direct hit, Grelt took out the sword from him, Adrian could barely stand, but with the rest of his power he picked up the sword and sliced Grelt in half, he soon disappeared, Adriana went down, but I caught him, I slowly lowered him to the floor, "Anastasia, I don't feel so good", "Dont worry, you... will be okay", "Is this what it feels like to end?", "I do not know", "I'm starting to lose consciousness", "No, please no, i dont want you to leave me, i dont want to be alone", "I will always be with you, no matter what", "This cant end like this, not like this", "In the end, i can still see... you", "Adrian,Adrian! No, no no! Dont leave me. What else is left to take away, what, take my life so that I do not have to suffer alone without Adrian!", at that moment the light began to illuminate the world, I closed my eyes because I could not watch it, when I opened them I was alone in an unknown place, the floor was white, while the sun and clouds were visible above," Where am I, what is happening?", "Do not worry my child, you're safe now", I turned and saw the light behind me", "Are you...", "Yes", "But how, i was supposed to be dead, what happened?", "In the darkest moment the light will show up", "I thought it would not happen", "Never lose hope, that is something you learned on your journey", "But what happened with people on Earth, and with darkness, what happened with.... Adrian", "That's a lot of questions, I'll answer all of that, I saved the people from the Earth, but not all of them, the people who surrendered their souls to darkness, could not be saved, they stopped believing in me and decided to serve the darkness, when I created the Earth, I gave people the opportunity to think and make their own decisions, so they can decide what they want to believe. You do not have to worry about the darkness, I returned the balance in space, I'm sorry that I could not save you when you saved all those mythical beings, but the Earth is like a grain of sand in the desert, There are so many lives in the space who need my help, but i know when someone from them needs help, because I feel their suffering and pain. And answer to your last question, well, you can turn around ",I looked back and I saw him, he was a couple of meters away from me," Adrian, you are alive", "Yes, the light saved me", I rushed towards him and I hugged him, "Do not leave me anymore", "Do not worry, I will not", "Light, thank you for saving him", "I did what I need, and now you can continue to live here, this is a whole new world for you, but I still want you to help people, because this is a new beginning for them, and if you ever need help, know that I am always there in your hearts".

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