Our Story

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"Have we ever crossed this valley?", "Of course we are, it was the ancient times when the civilization Kortur was here", "When was it Anastasia?", "When the world came into existence, this was the place where we were created", "Why did I forget that?", "Because you never wanted to remember", "Who created us on this world?", "The light that shined over darkness, and created all the worlds, universes, galaxies, light is our creator, it has explained us our meaning of life and purpose", " What is that? ", "To protect people who live here", "We do not respect that meaning and purpose", "Yes Adriane, people at the beginning of their creation had light in themselves, and now as time passes, that light goes out", "Why the light goes out from them?" "Darkness, that will cover this planet Earth, but there will always be light, because one can not exist without the other", "What we once used to be for people?", "Their saviors, teachers, friends, almighty beings, through the ages they called us many names, but over time they began to forget us", "Why?", "Because they have no fear of us, they used to be afraid of us sometimes, but they never understood who we were, we never wanted to hurt them, we wanted to take them to the paths of light, but the darkness won", "Is this the end for us?", "No, this is just a new beginning, we will never give up", "Because the light has created us to help people?", "Because we are their light", "Can we see our creator again?", "Yes, you see him every night while you sleep, he appears in your dreams and reminds you who you are, so we never forget who we are", "We have been wandering about this world for centuries, the tribes of the western countries have erected statues in our honor, the Egyptians raised the pyramids and offered us gifts, and the eastern world regarded us as a legend that will always be remembered", "Yes, maybe many people do not know us now, because there is no one to explain to them what we are, but those signs, memories, will always remain in those places", "Why are we afraid of people, Anastasia?", "Because we are not sure about ourselves", "Every story has a beginning", "Every story has the ending", "When is our end?", "When passes all the time of this world and when light shines the universe and takes us all somewhere where we can be free", "The Light is our savior", "That's right , Light will save people like all the other creatures that it created", "Why do we change the look when we go through the places that people have built?", "They can attack us", "We are stronger than them", "They are not stronger than us, we do not want to hurt them", "Why do we allow them to hurt us?", "We do not feel pain, we are the beings that will live to the end of time, but people will not, so we let them live their lives free, happy, if it can be called happiness", "Our path continues tomorrow when this night passes", "We are going to the darkness", "Our struggles are difficult", "And never near the end", "We always risk", "We always get", "And so we shield people for centuries", "Adrian, cave Halt is waiting for us tomorrow", "There is creature that we must save","It's an old creature, and now it's lonely , people are trying to kill him for years, but it's time for him to go on", "Where?", "According to the light, where it will be free, it did not deserve to suffer, never felt luck, always in pain, suffering, sorrow, time has come, are you happy because he's leaving?", "Yes, I am, but tell me how many creatures have we saved so far?", "Many, many of them, and I remember everybody", "Do they live happy when we release them from this world?", "When they leave, they become happy, always and forever", "Will somebody save us that way?","Light, one day", "We'll go together", "That's right", "Why does a man look behind himself?", "Because he fears his shadow", "Why?", "Because it makes darkness, the darkness they are afraid of, as well as the night, they hide in the places they have made, the night is the fear for them, the darkness is feed by night and is growing stronger and stronger every day", "Why are we not afraid?", "Because we know there is nothing in the dark that can scare us, sometimes people listened to us and they knew what the night was, and now they see only death and fear in it", "Night is passing", "It is time for sleep", "We sleep together", we went to the tent, "Sleep well Adriana, dream the light, talk to her and see things we've seen before , the creatures we've seen before", "They are in our dreams", "They will always be there and never will disappear, they always remind us of our past", "Sleep well, Anastasia", "Sleep tight, Adriane", through the night sounds were heard again, and while the fire in front of the tent was slowly turn off as a life on the planet, we were asleep, walking into the dream world.

At the darkest moments there will always be lightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя