White Rabbit

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"Have we ever been here?", "We did not", "Do you know where the next creature is?", "Yes I know","How?", "Every night while we sleep, the light tells me in the dream where we should go", "Why has he never said anything to me?","He talks to you, but you forget","That is true, but where is our next creature", "We are near that place, it's a big meadow, on it lives a white rabbit that we have to save", "Why does it live in the open, wouldn't people notice it until now", "No, this place is isolated, nobody goes there","Is this rabbit the same as any other creature", "By size it is, by personality they are all different", "I hope we will not see the soldiers of darkness", "I hope so, but we will have to fight them, I just do not know what they are doing, they did not appear for a long time, what is their plan", "I know they were looking for me after I saved silver crab , but after that I do not know what happened to them, in addition they think you're dead, that you did not survive after last fight when we were together ", "We can use that, they certainly think that you are alone on this journey","One day they will find out the truth", "Yes, but until then, they can enjoy in their little victory, but we are not done with them, until then we need to save two more creatures, so we are closer to our goal", "What are we going to do after we save all creatures?", "I do not know that, I hope that light will answer us on that question", "By the way, this continent is not so populated","It passes from a warmer to a colder regions, the winters are very cold, so there are not many people living here, they can not survive", "But we can", "But we would have become cold too, and we would be frozen at some point", "Then it's very bad", We continued our journey further, until we reached the vast meadow, the green grass and flowers that released its wonderful smells , many animals around, bees, bumblebees, deer, butterflies, locusts and much more, a small river flows through the meadow, decorated by stones, and fishes swim in it, a small bridge built of wood with a path leading to the forest, where at the crossing you can see a huge plush ball, it was a big white rabbit, "Is this our next creature?", "Yes it is", "Excellent, we're going to save him now", "Yes, lets go", we came to him, and he woke up, rubbed his eyes and looked at us, he was very upset, "Adriane", "Yes?", "Let's go back to our forms", "Okay", we quickly switched to our standard forms, the rabbit now seemed much calmer, in fact it was happy, he started to jump around, and caused mild shaking, "Huge rabbit", "That's right, but now it's time has come", I came to him, he turned to me, "Rabbit, we came here to save you, send you back home, you do not belong here", the rabbit got scared and walked away slowly from me, I came closer, this time petting him, his fur was so soft, so nice to touch, "Do not worry, you will go to the light, we will not hurt you, we just want to save you, if you don't do it, the darkness will destroy you,it will take control over you, you will be afraid every day, you have to trust us", the rabbit lifted its head, it was a sign that it was ready, I took the dust from the bag and I spilled it over him, it soon disappeared, "Is it over?","Yes it is, now it is saved, it will be happy with light, at least it will not suffer and be sad every day", "That's nice to know, just, what do we do now?", "We will set the tent here, and tomorrow we continue on, we have only one more creature to save", "We are close to our goal", "Yes, but what we will do when we save the last one, I do not know", "I guess the light will help us","I hope so, and now let's get ready, soon the night will fall".

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