"You know the rest. Just your numerous events, encounters, yadda yadda."

I grab the other one and unroll it, not carefully either since apparently these aren't even originals. It's half-filled out.

"It's not finished?"

"It would appear that way," Portia says after reading the next part. "This starts off with your allegiance to the Valkyrie. How peculiar."

"Peculiar?" I take off the gloves and throw them down. "Portia, you better have something more than peculiar to say"

"Like what?"

"Like where have you been?" I demand.

"I told you. Busy."

"It's been like, nearly a year! Not one hello or great job not losing your shit and closing that portal or Merry Christmas? You even skipped Olivia's birthday!"

"I meant it, Elise. I've been busy. I can't just come and go whenever I choose. Nieve and Adala, well there are rules. I know you aren't one to bother with those kinds of necessities, but they do exist for some of us."

She walked around the table, her dark eyes full of tears as her red lips were pressed tightly. Her chin quivered slightly as she reached out to hug me and I let her. Under my hands I felt her heart pounding; the sobs she tried to hide.

"Talk to me, please!" I let her go and she carefully wipes the corner of her eyes. "I just, I've missed you. Everyone."

"I thought you'd like the space?"

"I didn't think it would be this, permanent or instant." I shrug.

"I've missed you too." She smiles, yet it seems unnatural on her blank face. "I'm sure they all miss you as well."

"Have you seen them?" I hate how hopeful I sound.

Portia looks away, touching one of the scrolls as she walks away to one of the shelves. I know the answer without her needing to say it, yet before I can say anything she does.

"We had a disagreement. Essentially, I have been banned from their world," A bitter laugh escapes her. "Foolish King. He forgets I am now more powerful than even he. I am no longer his Seer or servant. Forgiveness will not be easily given."

"But you're-" Portia shakes her head.

"As for your friends, I am sorry Elise. I bring no news. Nieve forbids me to as she calls it, meddle, in their affairs. The third has been cursed for millennia, she will not see me suffer the same fate. Even this, I know she will not approve."

"That sounds really bad." My mouth feels dry, as a familiar touch of panic starts to sink in.

"I'm sure it will work itself out. These things always do."

I wasn't convinced, especially if she had found herself banished from their world too. Plus Apollo, Hades, and Artemis's silence still worried me. This wasn't helping to ease my own mind.

"What did you argue about?" I ask softly, hoping she'd confide and at least tell me something more than she seemed willing to do.

"Elise, I feel Nieve's rules should apply to you too. Do not meddle. It will end as well for you as it will for me."

"Did you see something?"

"No. And that never leads to anything good." Portia sighs, closing her eyes before coming closer. "I didn't, I wasn't, I came to see you while I could. Everything is as it should be here. I'm thankful for that and beg you to stay out of their business should you find yourself involved, again."

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