Xanxus - Lemon

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He smashes his lips onto yours.

You :"Mmn?!" *wide eyes*

You wanted to push him away but he had pinned your arms firmly by your side and the fever had also made you weaker then usual.

He forces his tongue into your mouth and lick the entire inside of it. You shut your eyes tightly as he do so and when he finally broke away you were gasping for air.

Before you can complain, he releases one of your hands and grabs your breast instead. You yelped. He rubs your breast and you placed your hand on his, trying to stop him but of course you do not have the strength.

You :"X-Xanxus, stop it already....!"

He smirks down at you and you look away annoyed but blushing.

He stops his hands and release you from the wall. Then in a swift movement, he forcefully drags you towards the bed in the room. He threw you onto the bed and hover onto you, covering your body with him.

Xanxus :"You trash, I will punish you!"

You :"But I didn't do anything!"

He ripped your clothes into pieces and your chest were immediately exposed. You gasp and wanted to cover urself with your hands but he quickly grabbed both of your hands and pinned them above your head. He stares at your exposed chest and let out a smirk.

You were blushing as you struggled to get your hands out from his grip. He grabs one of your breast with his free hand and starts squeezing and massaging it roughly, making you gasp.

You :"D-Dammit, Xanxus, STOP IT!"

He ignored you. Then, his fingers moves on to touch your nipple. You let out a yelp. He continues by pinching your nipple and pulling them, hard, resulting in a moan from you. You blushed harder at the sound you've made and glared at him.

You :"Darn you bastard...!"

Xanxus :"Says the pervert with her nipples all hard!"

You :"Thats not tru- AH!"

He had pinched your nipple hard again, making that moan out of you.

You closed an eye and glared at him again.

He smirked again, seeing your reaction and then lean his head down, taking your hardened nipple right into his mouth.

You :"Eek! W-What are you- Nghaa~!!"

He sucked on your nipple and played with it with his tongue in his mouth by twirling and pressing. The action had sent shivers down your spine and you couldn't stop moaning. Then, he bit down on your nipple and you gasped in surprised.

You :"W-Wait! Don't bite!"

He then pulled your nipple while biting it between his teeth and you tensed up.

You :"It hurts!"

Then, he released it and your body relaxed and you panted, tired from the intense pleasure.

Satisfied, he spread your legs and placed a leg inbetween, preventing you from closing them. Then, he moved his hand to your covered core and rubs it.

You yelped and tried to close your leg immediately but his leg blocked you. He pressed harder onto your core and you gasped.

You :"S-Stop it, dont touch-"

His finger moved to your clit and pushes it against the fabric, making you moan unconsciously.

You :"X-Xanxus! Stop it you f*cker!"

Xanxus :"Shut up!"

You :"Wha-"

KHR x Sick!Reader LEMONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora