Yamamoto-Chapter 1

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Teacher :"Class,today (y/n) is sick today due to high fever.Just now I called her and she says that she also have no ideas why she got sick.Now,let's end this conversation and starts our homeroom lesson."

Yamamoto :"..."

-after lesson-

Tsuna :"Umm...Yamamoto-kun,are you alright,it seems that you're not concentrating in class."

Yamamoto :"Hahaha,I'm fine,it's just-"

Gokudera :"Oi,baseball idiot! How dare you make the tenth worry for you."

Yamamoto :"I'm sorry..."

Tsuna :"Gokudera,don't be like that,I'm worried about (y/n)-Chan too."

Yamamoto :"Ahahaha, Tsuna, you are as sharp as ever."

Tsuna :"I guess so..."

Reborn :"Let's go visit her."

Tsuna :"Eh?! What did you come from?!"

Gokudera :"Oh, good afternoon, Mr Reborn!"

Reborn :*smirk* "So, what do you say, dame-tsuna?"

Tsuna :"Hmmm, Ok then"

Yamamoto :"I would tag along then"

Gokudera :"If tenth goin then I'm goin too."

Reborn :"Let's find Ryohei too."

Tsuna :"Okay!"

To be continue...


K, sorry for late updates. I'm busy with my other stories and school,sry.

KHR x Sick!Reader LEMONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz