Good Deeds Never Go Unpunished

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The dog is Lady (MERCIDES DOG)

I looked up and ....there was Antonio standing there with a terrified look on his face all I could do was crack up.....

Antonio:what you laughing at

Me: whats wrong with yo face? (Still laughing)

Antonio: mann come on get dressed im bouta take you home.... and how you get my dog??

Me: magic. ....and how am I supposed to get dressesed with no clothes to wear

End of Convo

Antonio grabbed the puppy from me and went upstairs... so I sat on the livingroom couch and turned on the tv I turned to the news.....there was an article on my school. .. Then I heard my name on the news so i really paid attention. ......

thug loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें