School (Part 2)

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I made my way to the office and headed towards Ms. Worth's office. I got the paperwork she wanted me to help file and print for her before getting to work. She headed off to a meeting and I took a seat at her desk to type up the reports she needed me to type up for her. Suddenly there was a knock at the door......

?- Ms. Worth?'re not Ms. Worth
A- Nope
?- Do you know where she is? I was supposed to help her out today

I looked up at the person speaking and saw that it was a really handsome guy. He was average height, brown skin, brush cut with a short goatee and a wide smile. I smiled at him and said.......

A- She's in a meeting, she should be back in about an hour if you wanted to wait
?- Sure why not

He came in and put his bag down before having a seat. I said.....

A- Wait, I recognize you from earlier. You're friends with Trioan and Jaden
?- That I am and you are?
A-Adrianna Andrew
?- Nice to meet you Adrianna. I'm Jacob Latimore
A- Nice to meet you Jake
J-So, why are you in Ms. Worth's office, Adrianna?
A- I'm her student office assistant, trying to get some community service hours
J- Ah, I feel that
A- Yeah but you can always come back. She should be out of her meeting in an hour or so
J- Nah it's cool I'll try and see her tomorrow
A- Mmkay
J- But before I go, could I get your number?
A- Hmmm I don't know about that one. You seem cool but I don't wanna give you the wrong idea.
J- What would the wrong idea be?
A- That I'm interested in anything outside of maybe a friendship
J- Maybe a friendship? Why maybe?
A- Cause who knows if you and I would even really mesh well. I can't just accept anybody as my friend, you know?
J- I'm not just anybody. I'm Jacob Latimore babygirl.
A- See that babygirl thing doesn't sound like you have friendship in mind
J- If you're only interested in friendship then we can be the best of friends
A- Is that so?
J- Yup
A- Well, if you're so sure, here you go

I took his phone and put my number inside it, making sure to save it. He smiled at me and said.....

J- I'll holla at you later
A- Bye Jake

I went back to reorganizing and doing the things I needed to do. Once I was finished, I gathered my things and made my way outside to my car. I got inside and backed out my parking space, heading out to run a few errands before I'd have to come back and pick up Amaryllis.

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