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We made it back to my house and I got out the car with my sister right behind me. The boys pulled up and parked behind my car, getting out as well. We all made our way inside and I told the guys to have a seat while we went upstairs to change.



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We came back downstairs and took our seats

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We came back downstairs and took our seats. I sat next to Jake and Amaryllis sat on Trioan's lap and stared at me. Trioan said.....

T- So, who the hell was that guy?
JA- Both of them
A- *sighs* Those guys were our exes
AM- Yup
A- My ex, Devon, and Amaryllis's ex, Zayden. We don't know what the hell they're doing here because we left them both in Florida
T- Well shit, do they know that? Cause they're definitely here
AM- Yup
JA- And they were definitely talking their shit
T- Right
AM- Yup
A- Ryllis, you good baby?
AM- I don't know
T-  Baby, what's up? Why did this Zayden guy get under your skin so bad? I mean, I get that's your ex but when you saw him it was like you'd seen a ghost or something. You looked like you were gonna be sick
AM- *lightly laughs* I felt like I would be sick if I am being honest
T- Baby, what did he do?

She looked at me and I knew from the expression in her eyes that she couldn't bring herself to speak but she wanted  me to tell them what was going on. I took a deep breath and said.....

A- I won't lie to you, Trioan, it's a long story
JA- Is your ex included in the story? Cause, even though you stood your ground, I could tell seeing him wasn't an easy thing at all.
A- No, no it wasn't
JA- Talk to us
I looked at my sister, asking for permission to tell our story without actually saying a word. She could read my expression and she nodded slowly. I took another deep breath and began.

A- Well, I met Devon when I was about Amaryllis's age and I fell head over heels. He was my first love; my first everything and I wanted him to be my last. Amaryllis was 13 at the time and she was going to middle school with his younger cousin, Zayden. One day, my mom agreed to let me go over to his house but only if I brought Amaryllis with me. Zayden was there and well, it was love at first sight for the two of them. She spent every waking moment for the next 6 months sprung on Zayden and only Zayden. I spent the next year completely in love with Devon. Now, of course, Zayden and Devon were more than just cousins, they were like brothers. They grew up together and their bond made our relationships pretty much intertwined. The four of us were inseparable until one day, we went to a restaurant together; just another double date, nothing special. The waitress kept flirting with Zayden and Devon as if we weren't standing there and they flirted back right in our faces. Now, being the person I am, I told her to dismiss herself and requested someone new come serve us. When the boys suggested that I was "overreacting," Amaryllis and I left. The next day, the boys begged our forgiveness and we eventually let it go. Now some time later that week, there was a guy at school who wanted to take Amaryllis out. He kept bragging to his friends about getting with her and Zayden ended up fighting the dude, got suspended. We went to go check on him and that bastard slapped my sister, told her it was her fault and if she wasn't so much of a slut, he wouldn't have been suspended.

Amaryllis shuddered as I said the words. A single tear fell down her eyes which only made them form in mine. I continued.....

A- That was the first time he put his hands on my sister and it wouldn't be the last. Then, that coward, Devon, actually had the nerve to tell me to mind my business if I knew what was good for me. I knew he wouldn't dare hit me but just the threat alone was enough to make me reevaluate the entire relationship. So, for a few months we stayed away from them but, that love that we both had for them was enough to make us forgive them after all the begging, pleading, and promises. We decided to give them another chance and, of course, shit just got worse. Zayden beat my sister for a year and a half and she hid it from me and the rest of our family because she loved us but she also loved Zayden. She believed him every time he apologized, said it would be the last time, said he would change, and all the other bullshit. Devon knew, of course, and he didn't tell me shit. I suspected when the double dates stopped but I trusted him cause I didn't have a reason to do otherwise.
T- Wow
A- It gets worse. Zayden had Amaryllis completely under his spell and he controlled her in every aspect. The one thing he could never get from her, though, was her virginity. She wasn't ready to have sex with him and so he decided he would open up their relationship. By that, he decided he could have hoes and Amaryllis was just supposed to be okay with that which is where things finally went over the edge. One day, Devon canceled our plans and Zayden canceled whatever he had planned with Amaryllis as well. Something seemed off to me so I wanted to go over to Devon's house to see if he was home. Amaryllis needed to get out the house so she came with me. We pulled up and saw Devon's car parked outside. He was home alone from what we saw so we decided to see what was going on. We got out the car and walked to the door, it was open. We walked inside and went down to the basement, he converted his basement into his bedroom cause he liked his privacy, and we heard music blasting. Now, I thought he'd really blown me off to play video games and shit and lied about it. I busted through the door with Amaryllis behind me and we saw Devon and Zayden taking turns with that bitch from the restaurant that I was "overreacting" about. We both left and the next day I told Devon it was over and never wanted to see him again. Amaryllis went to do the same and Zayden put her in the fucking hospital. He beat my sister to a bloody pulp and tried to rape her. My brother and I made it in time to get that bastard off of her. My brother kicked his ass right the hell back and, thankfully, we stopped him before Zayden ass needed a hospital too. At that point, I decided Florida wasn't for us anymore and I packed our stuff up and bought this house. By the time Amaryllis was healed up, we were set up. We haven't seen either of those pieces of shit since.
JA- Wow
A- Yup

At this point, Amaryllis had broken down and Trioan grabbed her, holding her close. I held back my tears and went to hold my sister.

AM- I'm good sis. You've really been here for this whole thing. I love you
A- I love you too
T- Amaryllis, I am so sorry that bitch ass nigga did that to you. You didn't deserve any of that. You deserve a real man.

He took hold of her and she looked into his eyes.

T- You have that man now, babygirl, and I refuse to let anybody or anything hurt you again. I'm right here for you
AM- Thank you
T- Of course

Amaryllis got up and took Trioan's hand, leading him upstairs. Jacob got up and came closer to me. He wrapped me in his arms and said.....

JA- You don't have to be so strong all the time. You know that, right?
A- *starts to cry* Yeah I know
JA- Then let it go babygirl

I began to cry harder and Jacob picked me up, carrying me upstairs as I cried even harder, holding onto him for dear life

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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