I said I love you! || Sharrkan x reader

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(Y/n) already had good knowledge of how to cast spells, of magic and much more, but back when (Y/n) had first joined Sinbad's group many years ago, she didn't have much or really any knowledge of how to use her own magic, which was when Yamraiha took her under her wing and taught her how too.

(Y/n) sighed, glancing out the window and seeing the view of the baby blue sky, small and few clouds dotting it. 'suppose I could go to the gardens, it's better then standing around and sulking..' The (h/c) female thought to herself, before exiting the room and heading down the twisting corridors of the Sindria palace heading towards the garden.

As (Y/n) continued down another corridor towards her safe haven as she enjoyed to call it, the sounds of feet scuffling and metal objects clanking together filled her ears. And as she turned the corner, pillars lined the right side of the open wall which lead into a small open space, which was occupied by Alibaba and the man that (Y/n) had fallen for, Sharrkan.

As (Y/n) continued by, trying to not draw attention to herself, she observed they were training, which was the cause of the sounds of feet shuffling and metal clanking together. The (h/c) female kept her gaze trained ahead as she ignored the par of males, praying that they wouldn't take notice of her.

"And that's enough for today." Sharrkan spoke up after easily knocking his 'students' sword out of his hands, sliding his own sword back into its sheath. He gave a small stretch before he spoke again; "You need to focus more, your mind's been wondering too much Alibaba."

The blonde apologized sheepishly in reply, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, Sharrkan shook his head in return. "See you tomorrow, and don't be late next time!" The white haired dark skinned male chuckled, watching as Alibaba scurried off.

(Y/n) swiftly turned the corner when she saw Sharrkan begin to turn around, after all, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her crush more then she already had today.

Once (Y/n) had made it to the palace gardens, she let out a small sigh of relief as it seemed Sharrkan hadn't seen her, which was easiest for her. She was shy, yes, however when around Sharrkan, her shy tendencies increased ten fold, heck, (Y/n) wasn't even sure when she had first began to gain feelings for the Heliohaptan swordsman, however she managed too.

Once (Y/n) had made her way around to a small clearing in the palace gardens, she sat down, her legs crossed as she settled herself down in a small patch of dandelions and clovers, her hands grazing over the soft outline of the plants as she gently plucked a few of the small yellow flowers, as she began to twine them together, row by row, slowly and carefully as to make sure not to break them.

She was somewhat far along in her small creation of a dandelion flower crown when she was interrupted unexpectedly by the one she dreaded however loved most, Sharrkan.

"Hey." The Helipohaptan male grinned at (Y/n), and it made her melt.

"H-hello.." (Y/n)'s voice was faint, but audible to the white haired male, her face paled as she turned her face away from her crush. 'Dumbass just speak!' The (h/c) female screamed at herself mentally, her fingers fiddling nervously as she avoided the male's gaze.

"Watcha' doin'?" The male approached her, seating himself in front of her his eyes ran over the incomplete flower crown being held gently in her hands before he added; "Making flower crowns?" He hummed, "it looks good."

Serenity • Magi oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang