Multiple Things.

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SecretSmile166: Aw, poor Kepakiano! Is he okay? Also, Image, what are you thinking about right now? Just to make thing easier for Water, Water is unable to stutter for 10 asks! Al, be nice to everyone!

Kepakiano: I'm fine... Just... Gimme a minute.

Water: Wait, what? That's possible?

Alika: Are you listening to yourself right now? Can you hear yourself?

Water: Wow... I guess it is possible! I'm not very used to this...

Al: Do I have to be nice to people?

Negative: Yeah, that's the real question here. 'Is it possible for Al to be nice?', not 'Is it possible for Water to stop stuttering for 10 asks?'.

Star: *Takes the piece of paper with the ask on it and runs over to another room* Image! You have an ask! *Hands Image the piece of paper* *Goes back to where everyone else is*

Alyssa: What is it?

Image: *Reads the piece of paper* Oh, this... Are we alone?

Alyssa: Star just left, so yeah. It's just us. Everyone else is in the main room right now.

Image: Okay, good.

Alyssa: Image and I are working together on some stuff right now. A little bit of it has to do with my books, and how I'm going to fit the ones that I need to finish into my schedule.

Image: And some of it is for this book. We're trying to find new characters right now. There are quite a few that we could add, but we want to try and limit ourselves a bit. We can't just invite the entire Multiverse into this book! As for what we're doing right now, and what I'm thinking about... It's nothing. We may have a minor problem on our hands, but it'll be fine.

Alyssa: Image, are you sure? Even these slight changes in the Multi-

Image: I know, I know! Worst case scenario, everyone comes to live in AU#1. Big deal! Lets just focus on what we're trying to do. And those orbs...

Asks/Dares until Water's 'ask' is over: 10

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