Chapter 2

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I've got no other choice

This is my only destiny 

I will make them pay

For ripping apart my family

I don't care the price


Morgan smiled as she fiddled with a device. She had no clue what it did she was just experimenting with her father's old things that he never finished. She was going to figure out what he was trying to make, no one could yet. Bruce had left so had Peter and Pepper. They all were called upstairs for a bit. In fact all the Avengers were home, well mostly. All the earth based Avengers were home. Steve, Sam, Bucky, Clint, T'Challa, Peter etc. But she was instructed by multiple people to not leave the lab. She supposed it was Avengers business or something, but she was happy in the lab. It reminded her of her father. She pressed a button here and there. She clicked this and that, before rewiring something in the back. She closed the back and smiled. That must make it work. If those two wires were the issue then she would finally figure out what it did. There was no clear on button, figures, leave it to her dad to make things overly complex. It was innocent enough, she pressed a button. Nothing. A another button. Nothing. A another button. Something. The device in her hand blew up. Not majorly or anything. In fact I wouldn't even have been that bad... but she was in a lab where one thing can cause a major reaction with anything else. It also didn't help that people never cleaned this place anymore so chemicals were also probably here and there. There was a large explosion and the last thing Morgan felt a sharp pain in her left hand and then nothing, no pain in it, just nothing. She blacked out.

Morgan heard everything before she could even open her eyes. She physically couldn't open her eyes or do anything. She heard hushed whispered and the beeping of a heart monitor. She wanted to move and wake up but she couldn't. She was just so tired. She fell asleep within seconds of 'waking up'.

Morgan woke up again. This time she could open her eyes. The heat monitor was still beeping, which she supposed was a good thing. She looked over to her side and saw Clint sleeping next to her bed. She tilted her head to the side. What happened? She tried to talk but came out as more of a moan. It startled Clint to awake up. He looked shocked and then grabbed her right hand.

"H-hey kid." He stuttered. Clint almost never stuttered. She signed 'water' to him. It still amazed him how such a young girl could be fluent in not only sign language, but french, italian and Russian. Clint only nodded and handed her a glass but wouldn't let her grab it. She drank until her throat felt better.

"What happened?" She croaked. Clint sighed.

"There was an accident." Clint said. "Something exploded in the lab and it caused a chain reaction and you were..." He hesitated. "You were knocked out and... something happened." She cocked her head to the side. Apparently too fast as it gave her a headache.                                               

"What happened?" She asked again. He looked down. She noticed that she didn't feel her left her. She held it up to her face and noticed her hand was missing. She started to panic. Her hand was gone. Nothing left but a bandaged arm. She didn't scream but she started to breath heavily. The heart monitor started to go faster. Clint pushed her hand down lightly careful not to hurt her. He grabbed her other hand and smiled at her.

"Hey, hey. Breath. It's okay kid. I promise. It's going to be okay." He said. She looked up at him.

"How?" She cried. "My-my hand! It's gone!"

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