Wednesday 1st

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Dear Diary

So MJ gave me a new diary today after I told her I'd lost my old one, which was nice of her. She did say that it was lame that I had a diary in the first place but the insult was outweighed by the gift. She also offered to help me look for my lost one, but only if she could read it when it's found. I declined the offer because it does have some pretty private stuff in there, and, no offence to MJ, but she hasn't really been the best person to tell secrets to.

There was one time when I told her about Mr Stark being like a father to me, and even though she was happy for me, she did tease me about it by only referring to me as "Iron man jr" for a whole week. It was kinda annoying, but I'm sure she had good intentions.

To be honest, looking back on that time, I think she actually figured it out by herself before I told her. She's very good at that kind of thing: reading people's true emotions, finding out their deepest and darkest secrets, ect. It's really cool the way she does that, but also a bit worrying. What if she's actually better at it than we all think? What if she secretly knows every thought everyone ever has? That would explain why she's the only one who figured out I'm Spider-Man. Hopefully that's not the case, but it would be so cool if Michelle was a mind reader.

Anyway, something interesting happened today. There's a new student who transfered to my school and he was in my maths class today. His name is Harley and apparently he's really smart so it was kind of stressful when the teacher seated him beside me. At the begining of the lesson I decided I'd try to impress him by showing him I was smart too, but it seemed like the more questions I answered correctly, the more Harley would answer questions better than me. This also happened in all the other lessons I had with him. Why does he have to be so good at everything? I'll never be able to get his attention so I'll never be to get to know him. I really want to be friends. He's cool and smart and handsome and cute and stuff. Not that I have a crush on him or anything like that. Deffinatly not. Besides, he's completely out of my league so even if I did like him - which I don't - he probably wouldn't even bat an eye at me.

So, other than the new kid in school, pretty much nothing else interesting happened. I'm yet to go on patrol today cuz my suit was being washed so I'll do that now.

Sincerely Peter

Peter Parker's Diary - A Parkner Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें