5- The Chicken Pokey

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After eating dinner, the Seven, Thalia, Nico, Rachel, and Octavian all reluctantly went to the campfire. Leo evilly announced to everyone that there would be a special surprise for tonight while wiggling his eyebrows high, high up. He just couldn't wait!

The Seven and the others were all waiting in anxiety. Why, oh why, did Leo have to do this to them?

Travis and Conner set up hidden cameras all around the campfire. One camera would tape their friends doing the "Chicken Pokey" while the other one would tape the people's reaction. This event would surely be included on the bead for the necklaces at the end of the summer!

Conversations were going around about the surprise. Was there going to be another chariot race the day after? What did the Stoll brothers do again this time? Did Mr. D finally get to go back to Olympus, finally ending the torture of staying at Camp? Everyone hoped that the surprise would be the last option.

After hours and hours and hours (not really), Leo forced the particpants near the campfire, where everyone was able to see them. "We will SO get back to you on this Leo!" Annabeth said, her teeth seething with anger.

Leo wiggled his eyebrows up and down, and said, "Yes you will, Annabeth. Yes you will... But now's not the time! Ya have to dance the Chicken Pokey first!"

"Ugh... My reputation will be ruined FOREVER after this," Percy groaned.

"Who cares about YOUR reputation? Nobody's gonna take ME seriously anymore!" Annabeth said.

"HEY!" Percy whined.

"Yes, hey! How ya doin', mate?" Leo winked.

"HEY! I--"

"Oh yeah, just so you guys know, the song's gonna start in FIVE..."




"Three. You guys better prepare yourselves!"



The Seven, Thalia, Nico, Rachel, and Octavian scrambled all around.

"ONE! LET'S GET THIS PARTAY STARTED!" Leo screamed on top of his lungs. Music blasted from invisible speakers, Travis and Conner hit the record button on their video cameras, and the Chicken Pokey started playing. It was actually better than the participants had thought it would be! The Chicken Dance and the Hokey Pokey were both mixed into one song, but it was a perfect match. One part would play the Hokey Pokey, another the Chicken Dance, and sometimes both together. It was just like Pop Danthology, only better and more enjoyable.

The participants danced one of the two songs based on what part of the song was playing, and soon, everyone joined in, all having a good time. Even Mr. D seemed to be enjoying it! Chiron managed to call the Party Ponies, and they arrived just in time. Soon, the Chicken Pokey turned into a general party. All different kinds of songs were played, and everyone had a fantastic time. 

And that was basically what happened throughout the night. Nobody was eager to end the party and go back to bed, but Chiron insisted. They all went back to bed with their hearts content and their moods high up. All because of the Chicken Pokey.

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