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The moon was a perfect circle in the night sky. It shone brilliantly white, casting its reflection across the small pond's waters. Two werewolves looked up at the sight, marveling at how flawless it looked. One had a sleek, shimmering grey coat of fur on her body. Her ears perked up in interest. Beside her, was another wolf. Her fur blended in the black of the night. Compared to the she wolf, she appeared more superior.

The female wolf's ears caught a sound that could barely be heard. She whipped around, baring her teeth maliciously, willingly to do anything to protect the wolf besides her. A figure emerged holding a dimly lit lantern. The orange-y glow fell upon his face, revealing the female's younger brother, Malcom Pace.

"What the hell are you doing?" he whisper-shouted. "Hurry up and change back! It's almost curfew, Annabeth!"

Annabeth nodded before changing back into her human form. She changed into some spare clothes she had brought specifically for werewolf transformations. Annabeth turned her head to the spot where they had been sitting. The other wolf was already gone. She sighed before beginning the walk back to camp.

The two moved quickly and flawlessly, not making a single sound on the forest floor. The floor was littered with brown, dead leaves. Traces of snow could be seen here and there. The soft, white flakes of snow slowly melted to make way for spring. The bare trees would become abundant with green leaves once again. Annabeth rubbed her arms, her fingers running over the goosebumps that had appeared on her skin due to the cold.

She didn't understand why her brother insisted for her to change to human form. She could have easily bounded over to territory with her lean legs instead of shivering in the cold. Annabeth made sure to speak her thoughts through the pack link all of the wolves in her pack had, glaring at Malcom.

"Oh yeah," Malcom admitted sheepishly out loud. "That would have been better."

He transformed into his werewolf form. His wolf had chestnut colored fur. His wolf was a bit smaller than his sister's also. He was a great tracker. His sharp nose could smell anything remotely dangerous to his pack. He was usually in charge of the patrols that helped track down lost pups. He turned his head toward his sister, his eyes gleaming with playfulness.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Malcom said through the link.

Annabeth nodded before using her mighty legs to run back towards familiar territory. Malcom shook his head in amusement before he too charged towards camp.

"I just don't understand!" the alpha of the pack exclaimed. "All of the other pack members her age are meeting their mates!"

"Mother—" Malcom began, attempting to calm down his mother.

Athena Chase was the alpha of her pack, otherwise known as the leader. She was the wolf who kept everything in her pack organized and in order. Acquiring the role as alpha was usually hereditary. If the current leader of the pack had somehow passed away, their role would be taken over by their eldest daughter or son. In dire circumstances (when the alpha had no offspring), wolves would have a fight to the death to decide who would be the alpha.

Athena's eyes narrowed at her son, her intimidating grey eyes dilating as they did. "Annabeth will have to meet her mate soon. I will not live forever, Malcom. She must be ready. The Others are planning to invade our territory soon. We must fight!"

She was lying in her den which was placed underneath a large tree. When spring came, the tree would become filled with leaves, providing shade in the summer. There was a hole in the ground. It had been dug out by their ancestors. Every single alpha had roomed in the same den for hundreds of years. It had become tradition. There were claw marked engraved in the walls of the caves. Every year, when a werewolf had found his or her mate, they would dampen a certain area in the walls of the den and press their paw into it, leaving their tracks to stay forever. The den was usually lined with clumps of grass and moss to help make beds.

A Basic Book With Percabeth One-Shots and All ThatWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt