Start from the beginning

"Pick me, Mal!"

"Scarlett, please choose me!!"

"Evie, take me with you!"

The three girls smiled at each other as one of the kids took it upon himself to gather all of the applications and give them to Jay, a splitting grin present on his face as he handed the papers to the three after he and Carlos had chosen their respective kids to take back.

It was now left for the three girls to choose who they want to take to Auradon. While Mal and Evie had no problem picking the papers they wanted from the pile, Scarlett lingered as she sifted through it and eventually, picked a kid she knew who was deserving of such an opportunity.

Returning to their spots in front of the balcony, overlooking the mass of kids below waiting to be called on, Scarlett couldn't help but feel sorry for those they couldn't take with them. For those who wanted to go but couldn't. Not yet, at least.

"I can't believe this day has finally arrived!" Evie exclaimed loudly with a beaming smile on her face, the crowd equally excited as they shouted in response. "I honestly wish we could take you all with us."

"And someday, very soon, we will." Scarlett finished, her hand holding Evie's as they both smiled down below.

Mal, biting her lip with anticipation, beamed down on the crowd of excited kids. "Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times, you're going to be so sick of us." The other four laughed at the irony, back when they just got out they never wanted to return. Now, look at how things turned out. There were back. But for the better.

"Can I get a drumroll, please?" Evie dropped her voice in a teasing manner as the kids complied and began to stomp their feet at a rapid pace, grinning and laughing alike as excitement coursed through their veins.

The bluenette cleared her throat before speaking, connecting eyes with one special girl in the crowd below. "First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella. My sweet, sweet friend... My Dizzy."

Dizzy Tremaine couldn't contain the squeal of glee that burst out from within her as all the people she's known and grown up with congratulated her for being chosen. She couldn't help it; the amount of happiness coursing through her was immeasurable. She embraced all the other villain kids she knew and ran up the stairs into the waiting arms of Evie. Her best friend.

Carlos, unrolling the paper in his hands, read the name written on it and grinned, looking towards the direction of the boy who didn't dare let go of his father's hand, eyes looking around uncertainly. "Next, we have the son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky!"

Smee could only smile softly as he nudged his son to walk over to Carlos, climbing up a few steps as the blonde, dog-loving male placed his hand on the shoulder of the kid that he's now responsible for.

Jay and Carlos met eyes, nodding at each other as the attention then shifted over to the beanie-wearing ex-thief. "And no way are we splitting up the twins, so come over here, Squirmy! Come on!"

The young boy ran over to Jay with a skip in his step, his father smiling at the sight of his young boys in the arms of the two was enough to ease any worry he had. As long as they were fine, then he was fine too. His boys finally had the chance to go somewhere decent where they could grow up into fine men. Unlike him. He could bear to stay here, but not the thought of them being stuck with him. In a place where they had no future.

Scarlett, ever the observant, saw the flashes of emotions passing Smee's face as he watched his sons. Longing and Empathy washed over her as she made a silent promise to the often-overlooked man to watch over his boys. She promises.

"Coming right up is the ever so devious daughter of Yzma herself, Yzla! Come up here!" Announced Scarlett as she held up the application paper in hand, catching sight of the girl screaming within the crowd as the others congratulated her.

Yzla Sala (a name she'd chosen for herself) was another peculiar girl whose application had caught Scarlett's attention. Whilst she was scanning the answers to one of the questions, which was 'what would you do if you were taken to Auradon?', the young girl's answer stuck out from the rest.

It wasn't sucking-up, or careless. It wasn't brash, or timid. Her answer reflected who she was. Not her mother.

'I want to actually be able to do something right in my life. And not just because my mother wanted me to.'

Yzla didn't hesitate to climb up the stairs and throw herself to Scarlett, short arms wrapping around the young woman's waist as her shoulders went up and down, lungs trying to catch up to all the excitement. "Thank you."

Warmth coursed through the Lady of the Court's veins as she hugged back the pre-teen, providing her with the comfort she wished she'd gotten when she left the Isle three years ago.

"You're welcome, Yzla."

Mal, witnessing the fond moment between the two, smiled to herself as she opened her mouth to announce her chosen kid. "And last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fairy Godmother's Goodness Class... Give it on up for Dr Facilier's daughter, Celia!"

Celia Facilier's wild pink-streaked mane swayed side to side as she sauntered her way over to Mal, situating her grinning self underneath the violette's arm as they both smiled at each other.

Jay and Carlos went up the stairs to join the others, the twins under their wing as they regrouped at the centre of the balcony's space.

"We'll be back for you guys next week, okay?" Carlos reminded as the young villain kids nodded.

Jay fussed with Squirmy's red beanie, fixing it on his head as he spoke up. "So pack your stuff. Your own stuff."

The five of them all looked at each other, yelling, "Where are we going?"

"We're going to Auradon!"

a/n: sorry to cut it here but I just had to write and introduce the new (young) characters of this book that will definitely play a role in the story later on. thank you for the comments of support and votes. I appreciate it all so much. now, this is just the opening chapter, so be sure to look forward to more. until next time!

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