Chapter 27//Austin

Start from the beginning

"Dad this Troye. Troye this is my dad." Troye sets down our bags and reaches our to shake my fathers hand. They shake hands exchanging names and I'm surprised that my father tells Troye to call him Ryan and not Mr. Moore usually my father tells people to call him Mr. Moore.

"Well we better get going. We are stopping at IHOP right, Austin?" My dad asks me picking up Troye and my bags despite Troye's protest. I nod my head at my dad as he leads us back to the Mercedes. Troye looks pleased with the way the car looks. My dad puts our bags into the trunk and Troye and I slide into the back seat of the car. Its a few minutes before my dad starts the car. He questions Troye all the way to the IHOP to hours away. Some of the questions get pretty awkward but for the most part he just asks easy stuff like what he likes to do and his favorite music.

We walk into the IHOP and we try to get out of there as soon as possible. Dad wants to get home because he knows that mom is terrible with the kids most of the time. We eat quickly with light conversation. We walk out of IHOP with full stomachs and I'm starting to feel tired. Troye and I fall into the back seat as my father starts the car. Troye buckles himself into the middle seat so he can lean on my shoulder. He looks so tired.

I wrap my arm around his shoulder and force his head into my shoulder. He gladly accepts my shoulder as a pillow and snuggles into it. He kisses my collarbone and I smile down at him kissing his head in return. My dad looks up into the mirror at us and smiles. I'm glad he accepts us. I really like Troye a lot. He's the kind of guy people would kill for.

It's only a few minutes before I can see that Troye has fallen asleep. He looks so cute and innocent. I feel sleepiness starting to weigh me down too so I rest my head against the top of Troye's head and fall asleep.

I wake up to the gates of our house opening. We are pretty much really loaded so we have a huge house and a huge property to go along with it. I kiss Troye awake as my father gets out of the car. He takes a deep breath then stretches a little clinging to me.

"Are we here?" he asks in an absolutely hot sleepy voice. I pull him out of the car and he starts fixing his hair. I giggle at how this is his first reaction. I see the twins, Sarah and Jake, running towards us filled with twelve year old energy.

"Jakey, Sarah!!" I say dropping my hold on Troye to hug two of my four siblings. I'm genuinely excited to see them. I may be a big tough football player but I really miss my family a lot when I'm at school. Troye stands back letting me have my moment with Jake and Sarah. Then I see my mom coming out of the house with Jessica and Alexander. I throw myself into Jess's arms and we hug tightly. I miss her so much. Jessica and I are extremely close but my parents won't let her go to JMA because they think the boys will corrupt her. All my siblings go to different private schools with the exception of the twins and Alex because he's only two.

I hug my mom and take Alex out of her hands hitching him on my hip. I introduce Troye to my whole family pointing at them as I say their names. "This is my mom, Olivia. Jessica, Sarah, Jake and Alexander." Troye shakes hands with all the members of my family minus my father who is currently carrying our stuff to my room.

My mom leads us into the house and I hear Troye's phone buzzing I this pocket. He pulls it out and I can see the contact 'Con Da Bon' I nod my head for him to take the call and my mom takes us to the living room.

"He's even cuter in person." Jess says squeezing my bicep as she smiles brightly. She's so insanely pretty that it isn't even fair. She has thick wavy hair that is the perfect mixture of golden brown and straight blonde. She has eyes that only Troye's can beat and she's one if the sweetest people you will ever meet.

"Have you fucked him yet?" my mom asks after a few moments of quite. No one else seems shocked at this question but I gasp at her straight out approach. This isn't uncommon in the Moore household but she is never that straight about it.

"No, mom. Troye and I have not had sex." I bury my face in my hands and Jessica rubs my back while Sarah and Jake are win their own world. I don't remember putting Alexander down but it looks like he's playing with the twins. "And we are so not talking about this right now." my mom makes a little huff noise then walks off after getting Alex. It's awhile before Troye walks in the door with my dad.

The kids all start talking to Troye and I think dad can tell how overwhelmed he is. He whistles to be the kids to be quiet and they stand there with hands on their ears.

"Why don't we let your brother and Troye settle in. Dinner is at six." I try to grab Troye's hand and he flinched away from me. What the hell is going on? That is so not like him. What if Marcus told Makayla my original intentions then Makayla told Connor? What if Connor just told Troye that I started talking to him solely to try an gain access to the tree house? I'm so fucked. I need to tell him the story of me and Tyler also. I'm so fucked.

I walk towards my room and Troye follows me wrapping his arms around my waist from the back. Is he trying to make up for flinching away from me? What the hell is going on? Calm. Troye will tell you when he wants too.

We end up just lying on my bed watching videos on YouTube. He's being cuddly but he's not really talking to me.



Hey guys!! I'm sorry that this chapter is a little short I just wanted you to get another little look into Austin's mind. So there was a big statement made in this chapter. How do you feel about that? Things will get heated in the very near future. If you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you little Apple cinnamons.

Tumblr/Twitter: SmilingTilly

PS: please send me descriptions of Connor's perfect girl!!! I have only received one as of right now!!

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