Chapter 1

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Today was a rare day.

It wasn't every day that Kang Gureum woke up early. In fact, it was absolutely so rare that one could throw an enormous national party when she did. The young girl loved her bed, and her love was mutual as she claimed the bed would make 'grabby hands' when she got up.

However, today's the day she was going to apply for the top idol school in South Korea; Shining Star Academy.

Gureum slipped out of her bedsheets, walking past all of her idol posters, and shuffled into her walk-in closet. Grabbing a random pair of light clothes, she quickly put them on and fixed her hair. The girl has shoulder-length curly hair with a light pink to baby blue ombre.

She then left her room for breakfast. As usual, her parents were already up and seated at the table with the maids running around. 

"My daughter, I just want to let you know how proud I am of you," Her mother said in a pleased voice. "I have something to give to you. I want you to have my magic agent."

Her mother passed her rosy-coloured magic agent across the table. The student thanked her mother and put the magic agent in her pocket. Breakfast was somewhat quiet with her parents always discussing business issues and the girl keeping quiet.

Gureum was supposed to apply for Shining Star Academy with her childhood friend, Jeon Mari. But she is currently flying back from Japan and will be missing day one. Jeon Mari was a hot-headed female with magenta hair tied up into two hair buns. Back in elementary school, she was known to be loud and straight forward. Her mother thought that she was too un-lady-like and flew her over to Japan.

Jeon Mari's mother thought that the polite country could transform her diva daughter into a gentlewoman. However, it only did quite the exact opposite. How did Gureum know this? Well, Mari's mother and her mother were the best of friends and were even an idol duo in the past.

It seems that Gureum's friend might've gotten into the wrong group of people in Japan and become emo.

The driver dropped her off in front of the large pink academy that resembled a castle. The girl inaudibly thanked the driver for the ride and slammed the Mercedes car door shut.

She entered the school and was right away greeted by a staff member who assigned her into a room. When the girl entered the room, right away it was filled with other idol wannabes. Not wanting to socialize with other students, Gureum flipped open her new magic agent and began tampering with it.

"Hello! I'm Gilbert your new idol guide!" A yellow bird popped up from the screen and saluted. "I've guided your mother and now I will lead you to success as well!"

"A chicken?" The cotton-candy haired muttered in confusion.

"Hey! I'm a bird!" Gilbert corrected and pecked the screen repeatedly in anger. 


"Hey, you can't just change my name so suddenly."

Gureum was waiting for her turn to perform by talking to Gilbert- she means Gilbird, when suddenly her name was called.

"Kang Gureum?"

"Are you ready to perform? Your mother has prepared you your first coordi, the Rainbow seas coordi!" Gilbert exclaimed.

"Yes." She whispered excitedly.

A cute sailor outfit with a giant rainbow bow attached to the back. Rainbow Seas coordi complete!

Song: Love Whisper.
Original artist: Gfriend.

I can't express my heart.
Like the nice breeze, and the song we listened to together.
I feel good, especially more today.

Under the dazzling and clear sky.
On a day where sweat beads fall.
We're holding hands and walking,
On top of the messy flower road.
I'm with you.

I can hear it from anywhere.
If I open my ears,
When I open my ears.
To the trust, you have in me.
Like your eyes that twinkle.
I'll tell you a precious story.

Open your ears.
Our unforgettable voices and stories.
Are filled with my heart for you.
That fluttered like a dream.

The accepted student tiredly walked out of Shining Star school, shoulder slumping, and feet dragging.

'Performing is so tiring... But at least I got accepted.'

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better and less lonely.


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