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× Keith's POV ×

I sat on the bed with Pidge in our room.
"Ugh Pidge I really don't want to go to this new school..." I complained.

Pidge looked at me and sighed. "I know Keith. I know! You've said this a million times already I think you could have beat your record from last time." She grumbled as she slipped off her shoes.

"But Pidge everyone will make fun of me as always...plus my hair is so long everyone will call me a girl" I complained to her.

Pidge huffed "Then cut it and if they mess with you they're going to have to go through me, and everybody will be scared of me, cause I'm a badass." She smirked. I chuckled and smiled

"Fine but you have to come with me to get it cut please..." Pidge looked at me,

"Fine let's go" she said as she put her shoes back on. "Yay!...I'm driving!" I said as I grabbed the keys. Pidge just rolled her eyes and laughed. We quickly got into the car to go get my hair cut.

------------Time Skip :p------------

Pidge smiled and pet my hair once we got home in our room "Oh my god... I love it so much!" I smiled and looked in the mirror "I love it too..." I said quietly.

It was the first time I looked in the mirror and I thought actually looked good.

Pidge laid on the bed next to me and still played with it "It's so soft..." She smiled and I laughed a little. "Oh I told the principal everything so no one will call me Kaylee anymore..." I looked at Pidge and she smirked.

"Niiiiice, you got the Principal on your side." I laughed a little "Hell yeah!"
"It's late I'm going to change..." I said as I stood up and changed into a tank top and shorts and got back in bed.

Suddenly there was a big bang from down stairs and loud cursing. Pidge jumped and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back just as tight and scared.

"What was that!!?" She whispered yelled "I don't know!" I looked at the door "Pidge I hear footsteps....." Pidge looked at me "It's coming!!" I lifted the covers "Quick get under the covers!" I whispered as I threw it over our heads. Suddenly the door opened and Pidge and I screamed

"I don't wanna die!!" Pidge screamed. "Don't kill us!! We're too young to die!!" I screamed and held onto Pidge tightly.

"What the-" someone pulled the covers off of us and Pidge freaked so she kicked the person. I look over to see a man on the floor. "Shiro..?" I asked.

He held onto his crotch and groaned. "Oh shit Pidge...it's just Shiro" I began to laugh a little. Pidge stood up "Oh my God Shiro! I-I'm so sorry! We didn't think you would be home so early!! We thought you were a killer!" Pidge rambled on.

Shiro groaned and looked up at Pidge, "I-it's fine...I'm just...really hurting right now..." Shiro strained out. I just laughed and looked at Pidge "Ha...you kicked Shiro in the nuts..."

Shiro glared at me "Shut up and go get me some ice..." I looked at him "Yeah...I'll just go get the ice..." I walked downstairs to get him some ice.

I came back an saw Shiro on the bed "Here you go..." I said as I walked up to him. Shiro took it and put it on his crotch "T-Thanks.."

"You could've texted us saying you were coming home early.." I sighed and laughed a bit. Shiro looked at me about to say something but then he just...looked at me and smiled.

"You finally cut your hair..." He smiled. I smiled "Yeah...Since tomorrow is our first day of school I didn't want people to think I'm a girl..." Shiro smiled at me

"Well that's good for you, I'm happy for you little bro." Shiro looked at me and I smiled and hugged him as he sat up "Thanks Shiro" Shiro hugged back with one arm.

"No problem." He stood up and groaned "I think I'm just going to go to my room and sleep...it's late so you too go to bed soon alright" He said walking to the door.

Pidge and I nodded "Yeah...I'm kinda getting tired anyway..." Pidge yawned as she laid on the bed. I laid next to her "Me too..."

Soon I felt my eyes get heavy and let sleep take over me while thinking of everything that could happen at school. I hope this year it a good one, no one can know my secret, not this time.


Hey people :) so I know this is a short chapter and most of them will be like this but this Is my first fanfiction, it's based off a rp I did with my friend and I hope you all like it. Tell me how you like it so far and I'll make updates when I can. :)

- AnimeNerd31

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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A Dream That Never Ends ♡Klance Trans AU Where stories live. Discover now