I continued to cut up the apple as a snack waiting for her to say something, anything. Preferably an apology.

"Don't be so mad dude, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. We'll figure something out. I'm not promising he'll jump back onto The Love Boat with you, but at least forgiveness." With a smile that seemed heart felt and warm coming from her, I busted into tears.

It was hard to think of all of this and I just don't want to. I simply just want to fall asleep and wake up next to Pete.

Knock knock knock

Sarah and I both turned around to look where it was coming from. I walked over to the door and looked in the peep hole. It was Paige. Paige? Why is Paige here? I think I know why, but what makes her come over here?

"Yes?" I swung open the door and glared at her. An evil glare, something that would make you want to look away, but Paige.. Paige didn't she held eye contact with me. She was not intimidated by me. "Can I help you?" I practically growled at her, it's not fair for me to be rude. It really isn't but I can't help it.

"Um yeah. I hope so at least." We stared at each other longer and I could feel my self get more and more irritated as the tense moment went on.

I was done with this silence, "Well what is it Paige?" I could feel the fire come out with my words. Something that would have stung if it could touch you.

"I-I just wanted to talk, Meagan. I guess that's it." She looked sad her eyes looked like she hasn't slept all night.

"Uh, come in." I stepped out of the way and led her into the house.

"Who's this, Meagan?" Sarah was glaring at both of us.

"This is Paige, Pete's girlfriend." I pointed at Paige and forced a smile on my face, "And this is Sarah Urie, Brendon Urie's wife."

She smiled at her and walked up to her and stuck out her hand, "I know who you are Sarah, it's nice to meet you." Sarah bitchily grabbed Paige's hand and shook it. Not putting much emotion into it.

"And what are you doing here." She put an emphasis on you.

"She came here to talk, Sarah. Could you wait upstairs?" Sarah turned on her heel and walked up my stairs slowly. Every so often she'd turn around to look back at us.

I waited until I heard her footsteps walking across my room and wasn't in ear shot of us. "What do you want to talk about?" I didn't want to sounds so rude, so I toned it down a bit.

"I hope you know that Pete knows now, I don't want you to get mad, but he's my fiancée I had to tell him. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't." I just nodded silently because I knew she had more to say, "But I still don't want there to be any problems between us. Although what you did was completely fucked up, I can't hate you. It's not in my nature to hate someone I don't know."

"I understand." My face was hot in embarrassment. This woman who has every right to hate me, sits in front of me with the up most respect. Even though behind her back I talk shit on her. I should be ashamed and embarrassed of myself.

It was Paige's turn to talk again, "Although I will not push this, I do think you and my future husband should talk. Talk this out. He has no idea I am here, right now he is at another show and I do hope we keep my visit a secret. I would like him to know that you actually care about him and it wasn't just me who told you to talk to him, to tell him the truth. You do care for Pete, don't you Meagan?"

"Of course I care." I was sobbing now, I am supposed to keep myself collected but then this happens, "I really do care about him a lot Paige. I feel do bad for doing this to him. I should have never betrayed his trust, I was stupid and ignorant to how this would affect people. I truly am sorry, and I hope one day you and especially Pete could figure me, or at least show me the slightest amount of remorse."

"You don't need to worry Meagan, I want everything to turn back to the way it was, even with all that has happened." We both stood up for the couch and I stretched out my hand to shake hers, but she pushed it aside. I felt hurt and betrayed by that gesture. I looked into her eyes and she smiled at me, then grabbed me and gave me a warming hug. I couldn't help but laugh.

"This looks like an episode of Elmo. Everyone hugging and laughing together." Sarah came walking down the stairs with a disgusted look on her face. She really needed to back put of things some days, I just can't believe her. "So that's it, you guys make up and become best friends? Are you looking for my replacement already?"

My mouth was stuck open, I couldn't believe her. She had some serious nerve to come up to me with that. "Don't even do that shit Sarah. Just because I don't want everyone to hate me, like you, doesn't mean you get to be a bitch."

"Me the bitch? Are you kidding," she laughed as she walked up into Paige's face. She left no room for a flea to pass through. I could tell that Paige wanted to back away but she wouldn't move. "SHE is the one who ruined everything for you and Pete. She's a cunt who took your place in Pete and Bronx's life, I'm just trying to help you!"

"Wait, I didn't ruin anything Sarah. He found me, that was it." Paige was about to crack, I swear I could see the red hot fire bursting out of her ears and nose.

"You're just a thief." Sarah got so close to Paige that their noses were touching each other. Pete's fiancé had a tear rolling down her face. I felt bad for her.

I went to step in between them, but time seemed to stand still.

I looked down in time to see Paige face first on the ground and Sarah's knuckles bright red with blood.


I'm sorry this took so long. I had all the intention in the world to update sooner, I just had a small part at the end to add.

Thanks and much love to my readers! <3


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